Why don't the branding repo changes get rendered into UI?
It may be due to the property 'subversion_branding.repository_base' pointing to /sf-svnroot instead of the /svnroot directory, which is used by the scm-integration of the csfe installation.
Why am I getting a 'Not running' message when the Datamart service is stopped?
When TeamForge and Datamart are running in a single instance, the TeamForge database is stopped when you stop the Postgres services. The message, 'Not running' is displayed when you stop the Datamart service. You can ignore this message.
Why are the dynamic images that TeamForge creates broken?
If you have a fresh install of TeamForge and you're noticing that the dynamic images are not correct, you may be missing a library that is needed to create the images. Check this using the steps below.
Why is my email taking a long time to arrive? TeamForge uses the James MTA to send and parse all email coming to and from the system. In this case, the best course of action is to look in the james mailet logfile.
Why do we have errors creating or altering repositories and adding or removing users?
The TeamForge SCM Integration server runs an instance of Tomcat and then launches TeamForge inside the Tomcat container. If you are experiencing issues creating or altering repositories or adding and removing users from repository access, and the other TeamForge integration logs are not providing any clues, you may wish to review the Tomcat log at: /opt/collabnet/teamforge/log/integration/catalina.out
Why am I getting an email specifying that the ETL job has failed?
You are getting this email because one of the Extract transformation and load (ETL) jobs has failed during the run. You can see the etl.log for more details to find out the reason for the job failure.
JBoss crashed with out of memory error, how do I prevent this?
This can indicate that the JVM heap size is set too small. You can adjust this by changing the -Xms and -Xmx settings of the JBOSS_JAVA_OPTS token in site-options.conf and rebuilding runtime.
Why do search and email server show "Could not connect"?
Typically this means the tomcat container for James and the search service are not running. You can restart this with the commands shown below. You may need to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the location of your JDK.
Why do I get a server status error when I perform a search?
Occasionally, an exceedingly large or complex document causes the search indexing service to abort. This is typically when all searches in TeamForge return an exid to the user.
Why can't TeamForge send my outbound mail?
If you are unable to send email directly due to firewall restrictions, or if mail is being rejected by the application server's IP address, configure TeamForge to send outgoing messages through a gateway mail server.
Why does startup fail or produce errors?
If TeamForge fails to start up, or is starting but is throwing errors on every page, then typically something went wrong during the JBOSS bootstrap process. Fortunately, JBOSS logs this process to: /opt/collabnet/teamforge/jboss/jboss-<version>/server/default/log/boot.log.
How can a user who deleted a document get it back?
It is possible to recover the latest version of a document if someone has accidentally deleted it from TeamForge. However, note that you can recover the raw document but not undelete it from the app. The user will have to add the document back into TeamForge, and the history of the document will not be recovered. If you need a true undelete so that the history is available, please contact Technical Support and ask for us to schedule our Professional Services group for you.
How do I authenticate multiple LDAP via Apache?
If you need to add multiple OU= values in the LDAP url you must have separate LDAP urls and utilize AuthnProviderAlias to check both LDAP searches.
How does TeamForge authenticate CVS users?
CVS is treated as a special case when managed by a TeamForge site. It is not authenticated in the same way as SOAP API clients.
Does TeamForge work with LDAP?
Yes, you can have your TeamForge installation authenticate against an LDAP server. This is handy when users want to use a variety of different resources without having to maintain credentials for each one separately.
What user activities are tracked?
In case of a data security compromise, a record of who is performing what activities will help resolve some of the security issues.
What is a CERT advisory?
CollabNet Product Support monitors the CERT coordination center (http://www.cert.org/) for notification of vulnerabilities or exploits against applications that CollabNetTeamForge provides.
J2EE Architecture and security CollabNetTeamForge is a J2EE application that employs three-tier architecture to provide a secure environment for mission-critical data.
Who can access an application?
Application permissions help you minimize the need to create and assign many similar roles for individual users. Instead, you can permit or restrict access to individual applications within the project for whole classes of users.
Can I disable creation of user accounts?
As of TeamForge 4.1 SP3, it is possible to disable the creation of new accounts by users so that only a 'site admin' can create new users.
How does inheritance work?
Site or project administrators can create hierarchical relationships between projects so that one project can inherit members, roles and permissions from a parent project.
How does inheritance work for project groups?
Site or project administrators can create project groups and add member projects to the group, to manage several projects as a single unit. Moreover, hierarchical relationships may exist between projects so that one project can inherit members, roles and permissions from its parent project.
Who can access a project?
You control access to your CollabNetTeamForge project by a combination of project settings, membership rules and user restrictions.
Who should I allow into my project?
To decide how to control access to your project, think about what the project is for and who will be using it.
Who can access source code?
Project administrators can give project members specific kinds of access to a whole Subversion repository or any path within that repository.
How do user roles work?
Project administrators can define specific access permissions for individual project members. They do this by using global project roles and/or creating roles and assigning the roles to project members.
How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect data access?
Access to data must be strictly controlled to meet the security requirements of the enterprise. Strict data access control is achieved through a combination of firewalls, authentication, and authorization.
How does CollabNet TeamForge help protect my data?
Sensitive data must be protected from illegal access at various points in the system. Key areas where security is typically compromised include data transmission and data storage.
How do site administrator roles work?
Site administrators are default site managers who can create additional site administrators and delegate few site administrative tasks to them. They can also allow some CollabNetTeamForge users to use one or more CollabNetTeamForge tools across several projects, by creating site-wide roles with specific project permissions, minus site administrative permissions. They can also provide ready-to-use roles as global project roles, creating uniformity across the site.
Which role is assigned to me?
There are several ways in which you could have been assigned certain roles in CollabNetTeamForge. Your access to the projects depends largely on the permissions granted to you via your roles.
Who can see a project page?
A user can see a given project page if the page is not hidden and the user's role includes permission to see the page.
Who can see a project page component?
To see a given project page component, you must have permission to see both the project page where the component is and the tool that the component represents.
As a project admin, why don't I have permissions to the wiki?
Most likely, your site was installed before TeamForge contained the wiki component. When the wiki was added to TeamForge, it was decided that there was no way for us to know the security requirements at customer sites, so permissions for the new wiki component were not assigned to project admins by default. As a project admin, you can alter any existing role to grant this permission, or create a new role for this permission and then assign to the appropriate project members as needed.
What is an association? TeamForge allows users to easily associate, or link together, any objects in the system to simplify knowledge sharing and provide traceability throughout the lifecycle.
What is change management?
Change management is about monitoring and addressing work items, product defects, feature requirements, and support requests.
What is a feature tree?
A feature tree is a way to look at planned product features hierarchically, so you can quickly understand the relationships among product features you have specified.
What is a discussion forum? TeamForge discussions provide workspaces where project members can work together online or by email.
What is an integrated application?
An integrated application is a stand-alone application that can seamlessly integrate into any TeamForge project.
What is an iteration?
An iteration (also called a sprint) is the period of time it takes to produce something that works well enough to show to the user.
What is a linked application?
A linked application is an external application or site that users can get to from inside a TeamForge project.
What is the look project?
The look project contains special files that can override your site's default appearance and content, such as the default icons, fonts, colors, and labels.
What is a parent project?
A parent project is the base from which a subproject's members, user groups and roles, with their corresponding permissions, are derived. A subproject can inherit project members, user groups and roles from its parent project.
What is a patch?
A patch is a package of code that fixes or adds to the functionality of a CollabNet product. Patches are also known as "component upgrades."
What is a product owner?
The product owner works with the users, or customers, to define how a product can address their needs and wishes.
What is a project administrator?
The project leader takes user stories created by the product owner and works with the project team to manage the process of analyzing, scheduling and executing them.
What is a project?
A project is a workspace where people can use the CollabNetTeamForge applications to collaborate and to create, store, and share data. All the work you do with CollabNetTeamForge is organized into projects.
What is an agile project team?
As a member of a project team, you implement product features according to user stories created by the product owner and planning input from the project leader.
What is in a project template?
When you create a template from an existing project, each project tool contributes its own structure to the template, and its content if you want it.
What is a project template?
Project templates enable you to capture and re-use the structure and content of existing projects, including project pages, custom tracker fields, and work flow definitions, to speed new project creation and standardize lifecycle processes.
What is a release?
A release is a group of one or more files that are published as a unit.
What is a story point?
A story point is a measure of effort that expresses the relative difficulty of implementing a user story. You can use story points, also referred to simply as "points", to help estimate how much work can be done in a sprint.
What is a task dependency?
Task dependencies show what must be done before a given task and what will be done after the task is complete. Project managers can create dependencies between any two or more tasks in a project.
What is a tracker?
A tracker is a collection of records that follow the development of a unit of work from conception through to completion. You can create a tracker to manage almost any kind of work that your project calls for.
What is tracker work flow?
To help users handle their tracker items effectively, you can set up some work flow rules. Workflow rules require a user to do something to a tracker before they can reassign it or update its status.
What is a user group?
To manage multiple users at once, create a group to represent them.
What is velocity?
Your team's velocity is the amount of work the team has shown it can complete in a sprint. You can use this information to help estimate how much work can be completed in future sprints.
What is an activity table component?
An activity table is a special kind of text component that gives project members quick access to a focused set of artifacts, action items and work products.
What is a documents component?
A documents component allows team members to work with documents directly from a project page.
What is a global project role?
A global project role is a ready-to-use role available in all projects. Only site administrators or restricted site administrators can create and manage a ready-to-use role.
What is a project page?
A CollabNet project page is a place where users can see and add information about the project, such as messages from the project manager, open issues or documents you want people to read.
What is a project page component?
A project page is a collection of simple portlet-like components that enable you to add custom HTML content, reports, project tracker queries, and much more to the project home page so your team quickly access what is important.
What is an Available upon Request role?
The Available upon Request role is a role which a project member in TeamForge can submit a request for. You must be a site administrator or project administrator to create an Available upon Request role.
What is a news component?
A news component is a way to get developing information to project members via a project page.
What is a project page component for?
Project page components add functionality to a project page. You can use components to communicate with users or project members, or to invite them to contribute information or resources to the project.
What is a project statistics component?
A project statistics component gives users a graphical view of recent statistics for tasks, trackers, documents, and file releases from the project page.
What is TeamForge? TeamForge integrates software configuration management (SCM), continuous build and test, issue tracking, project management, lab management, and collaboration tools into a single Web-based application lifecyle management platform that empowers distributed teams to deliver great software.
What is a text component?
A text component is a self-contained editor with which you can write anything you want on your project page.
What is a wiki component?
A wiki component lets you link to an existing wiki page from a project page.
Is the CollabNet TeamForge SOAP API backward-compatible?
The CollabNet TeamForge Enterprise Edition 5.x and CollabNet TeamForge Enterprise 6.x APIs (including Service Pack updates) are fully compatible with CollabNetTeamForge . Applications developed using these earlier APIs will continue to function after you upgrade to CollabNetTeamForge .
What can I do with the SOAP API?
You can use the TeamForge SOAP API to do almost anything a user can do in the TeamForge web user interface.
How do I require approval for new user accounts?
You can configure the system so that new users can create their own accounts, but the accounts are not activated until a site admin approves them.
How does TeamForge automatically sum up effort estimates?
As you refine your agile project plan, you break down user stories into smaller stories, and eventually into tasks. TeamForge can watch the changing effort estimates all the way down the hierarchy, and give you a running total for each parent artifact and all its children.
Why can't I reply when someone comments on my review?
By default, TeamForge doesn't add the review initiator to a review, which would be needed to facilitate this. To work around this, simply add yourself as an optional reviewer when creating the review. Alternatively, some customers have chosen to create a forum in TeamForge, and then include the forum's posting address in the review notes.
How does TeamForge support dynamic planning? TeamForge helps you maximize your team's effectiveness by keeping you in close touch with the multiple moving targets facing your project.
How do you measure "effort?"
Effort is a uniform span of time for measuring work on your product. Defining the unit of effort is an essential part of planning your work.
Why is TeamForge Explorer forgetting my settings and not logging me in?
Certain conditions can cause TeamForge Explorer to stop functioning properly and to start behaving oddly. This can manifest itself as the app not logging you into TeamForge, or forgetting your settings, or other general strange behavior.
Can I associate objects of different projects?
Yes, you can associate an object (for example from document to subversion commit) in one project to an object in another project if you have access or are a Site Admin.
How do I enable/disable path-based permissions via SOAP?
The Path Based Permissions (PBP) are handled via the *roleList, *Cluster methods of rbacAppSoap. To enable PBP, use the "scm_fgp" (fine grained permissions) argument to addCluster. See the below psudeocode.
How do I put a notice to my users on the project home page?
To do this you will need to create a news item within the project. News items are posted and displayed on the project home page. News items are also displayed on the TeamForge home page.
What is the suggested log configuration for a production system?
To troubleshoot installation issues, the default log4j configuration is set to DEBUG. This can cause the log files to become quite large. Once your system is successfully installed and in use, you should drop the log levels down to INFO.
How do I remove a news item?
You can delete any news item that you no longer want displayed on the project home page. Deleting a news item from a project also deletes it from the TeamForge home page.
Can I query the CollabNet TeamForge database?
Yes, you can query the database if you are a site administrator or have been given access to System Tools by another site administrator. You can raise a database query by using the Admin > System Tools > Ad Hoc Database Query page.
How do I capture the output of "top" command?
Top is the realtime monitor of the running processes in a Linux system. To log the top running processes, use the following command: top -b -n 1.
How do I use the TeamForge updater to manage backups of old versions of TeamForge?
You can safely delete the items in your <sourceforge_base_install_directory>/sourceforge_home/backups as long as you are comfortable with your version of TeamForge , and have no desire to go back. This directory may also be safely omitted from your backup plan.
How do I resolve timeouts when calling web services?
This is due to the requested operation taking longer then your client SOAP stack is configured to wait before throwing a timeout. You will need to reference your client documentation to see how to update the timeout properties of the connection.
Which arbitrary HTML elements can I customize? CollabNetTeamForge Snippets are customizable HTML text fragments that can be inserted in predefined locations in CollabNetTeamForge pages.
What elements of a site can I customize?
You can customize the site home page and the default home page of every project on the site. You can also customize the menu bars, headers and footers of any page.
Can I customize the web interface?
You can customize the way the web interface looks and functions through the use of Velocity templates.
How is an integrated application described?
An integrated application is described using two XML files - a deployment configuration file and an application configuration file - that provide information to TeamForge about the configuration options exposed by the application.
How do I find the version of my MS Project plugin?
To obtain the plugin version, select SourceForge>Synchronize, and when the login pops up, hoveri the mouse over the SourceForge masthead. A tooltip will pop up with the component version numbers.
Why are Microsoft Project and CollabNet TeamForge doing things I don't expect?
When you synchronize Microsoft Project and CollabNetTeamForge, in some conditions the tool works as designed but the behavior might seem unexpected. For example, an empty task folder in CollabNetTeamForge creates a blank task in Microsoft Project.
TeamForge—Orchestrate integration: an overview
Though the procedure to add the TeamForgeOrchestrate, as an integrated application, is similar to adding other integrated applications, consider the following while integrating TeamForge and Orchestrate.
Can I get more systems for my project?
If your project needs more systems allocated to it, you must contact your Domain Administrator to increase your limit and allocate new systems to your project.
What happens when I move a machine between projects?
When you move a machine from one project to another, the machine is not automatically rebuilt. It still runs the same profile and all the same software it was running in the original project.
What is an audit log?
Every action performed by the user in the TeamForgeLab Management system is recorded in the Audit Log.
What is port forwarding?
Use port forwarding to let TeamForgeLab Management hosts connect to machines on other networks.
What is involved in administrating profiles?
If you are a project admin in TeamForgeLab Management with profiles assigned to your project, or if you are a TeamForgeLab Management domain admin, it is important that you have an understanding of how to administer profiles.
How are my project systems being utilized?
Regardless of the number of hosts in a project, in practice it is common to find shortages of free hosts. At the same time, there are almost always hosts which are under-utilized or even completely idle, which could be re-allocated or consolidated. Finding and reallocating these hosts allows more efficient use of your project infrastructure.
What is host URL mapping?
Host URL Mapping in TeamForgeLab Management allows you to access web services running inside the TeamForgeLab Management environment from anywhere, using a simple and consistent URL, with optional SSL encryption services added on.
Why doesn't URL mapping work for me?
My page doesn't look right. Images and graphics are wrong, or functionality doesn't work. The same page looks and works fine when viewed through Port Forwarding.
Can I specify an alternate email address?
Yes, of course you can specify one or more alternate email address. CollabNetTeamForge supports user profiles with one primary email address and up to three secondary email addresses.
How can I check if port 25 is open?
If you know the mail server is up and running, check whether you can talk over port 25 to your mail server. This can be done using a one-line command: telnet <appserver name> 25 Substitute the <appserver name> with your own server.
I am unable to edit a specific artifact via email, but I can via the web UI. Why is this?
There may be work flow rules applied to the tracker that require specific fields to be set. As you can only define the artifact title and description via email, the artifact creation fails. If you wish to create artifacts in this tracker via email, the tracker admin will need to disable these work flow rules.
How do I set up a local alias via James?
In situations where you need to obtain a SSL certificate for your domain, and your SSL certificate provider only permits you to use addresses related to your TeamForge domain, it may be necessary to generate an email alias from within TeamForge. Since there is currently no way to do this through the UI, you'll have to do it from the James administrative interface.
How can I reduce the number of emails from monitoring a folder?
Monitoring a folder might spam the mailboxes with emails that are generated for every small change. Email notification preferences under the Monitoring sub-tab under My Workspace can be modified to Send Daily Digest Email, which provides a summary of the email alerts.
What can I learn from a burndown chart?
Burndown is the estimated amount of work that remains to be done in an iteration, compared with the work originally estimated.
What can I learn from a capacity chart?
The capacity chart shows the project team's judgment of how much work can be done with the resources available and the time period represented in the planning folder.
How do I export reports?
You can export data of a Table report. Clicking the Export button that is placed at the top right corner of the View Report page exports tracker or task report data to a .csv file.
What can I learn from an Open by Priority chart?
Dynamic planning is most effective when you know the relative priorities of work items you are tracking. The Open by Priority chart helps you check that your team is working on the optimal mix of artifacts.
How does TeamForge deliver activity reports?
The data in your reports comes from a special database that extracts live site data from the production database at intervals you specify.
Subversion replication in TeamForge
Here's some information on how replication could be useful in your TeamForge site and what to consider when you plan to set up a replica.
Why do the open tracker counts differ from when I filter on "Open"?
The "Open" category on the summary screen is based on the meta status "Open". It includes multiple statuses; Open, Fixed, and any other statuses that are defined as equivalent to Open by the tracker admin for your project.
Is it possible to move an artifact from one tracker to another?
Yes. Simply use the cut button to remove the artifact, then paste it to another tracker. You can also change the tracker type while editing the artifact using the Edit Artifact page. The destination tracker need not be in the same project, but if the tracker definitions differ data could be lost.
What does the status of a planning folder mean?
The status of a planning folder communicates where it currently stands in the development process. You can set the status of a planning folder to values you define yourself.
How is a project template structured?
When you create a template that includes project content, each tool brings in its own kind of structure, depending on the type of content it manages.
What fields can I use in a tracker?
You can use fields provided by TeamForge, and you can create your own custom fields. Most trackers use a mix of TeamForge-provided fields and user-defined fields.
How can I monitor a forum or mailing list?
There are two methods for monitoring a forum or mailing list in TeamForge: At the Discussion Forum level and at the My Workspace level.
How do I create a new forum topic?
A forum can have any number of topics. A topic starts a message thread to which other users can reply. Create a new forum topic to begin discussion of a new subject.
How do I find the email address for a forum?
The email address for the forum is displayed on the Topic Summary page. If a mailing list is not enabled, you will not see an email address on the Topic Summary page.
How do I remove a user from a discussion?
Unfortunately there is not currently a way for a TeamForge admin to remove a user from monitoring. You will need to have the user login and remove themselves from monitoring via the Monitoring button on the My Workspace page.
Why are some of the discussions threaded?
Posts that are sent the mailing list address of the discussion will create new topics, and hence will not be threaded. Posts that are made in response to another post will be threaded beneath the original post.
Why would I want to make a discussion forum moderated?
Automated processes can only do so much to protect forum quality. Moderated posting can be thought of as a temporary transfer of control from automated processes to a human decision maker.
How does CollabNet TeamForge support documents?
A key element in a successful product development project is ensuring that stakeholders from all functional groups are involved in an iterative document review and approval process, particularly for critical documents, such as Product Requirements Documents.
Why can't I edit a document when it opens in my browser?
If you click on a document in TeamForge (for example, a Word doc), and it opens in your browser instead of launching a separate MS Word window, chances are you will not be able to edit this document. The reason for this is because your browser has either called one of the MS document viewers, which do not have native edit capabilities, or the browser has "swallowed" the running MS Word process and the document has written to your %TEMP% directory as a read-only file. You can either choose to download the file to your desktop and then click on it to edit, or configure your browser to not swallow the application (this is described in various MS KB articles).
Why are some uploaded documents missing icons when displayed in TeamForge? TeamForge has a small internal mapping of which icon is associated with which mimetype(s). This mapping is necessarily small, as a complete mapping would be exceedingly large, and almost always out of date. You can examine the mimetype that TeamForge is receiving by examining the document's attributes using our SOAP API. You can also override this mimetype info via the API by uploading a new version of the document (which can be the exact same document contents).
Can I link to documents outside of TeamForge? TeamForge has the concept of a "url doc" to support this very usage. When creating a document in TeamForge, simply choose this type from the Create screen and then enter the URL that references the document in the existing external system. This will create a "placeholder" document in TeamForge that can be associated to, reviewed, etc as if it were a normal document, while maintaining the document's actual contents in the external application.
Can I lock a document in TeamForge?
Absolutely, yes. You can specify a document as locked at any point in time (document create, document edit, etc). You can do this via the normal UI or via the SOAP API. Simply check the Lock document box while in Edit Document.
Does TeamForge automatically resolve conflicts in documents made by multiple concurrent editors?
If you store your documents in CVS, Subversion, or some other SCM tool, then that tool will handle conflict resolution per its normal means. However, if you are using the Document Manager component of TeamForge, then there is no automated means within the product to prevent another user from uploading a newer version of a given document that does not contain the changes you just uploaded. To prevent this, we recommend you use the document locking feature of TeamForge to prevent others from editing a document you are editing.
What document types are supported in TeamForge? TeamForge supports all known and unknown document types. In fact, TeamForge makes absolutely no distinction on a file type when uploading a document. This means that you can even upload binary files (like a Zip archive) into the document manager. Note that while TeamForge will accept any incoming data stream as a document, it does use the mimetype sent by the browser to determine if it has the proper icon to display for the document.
Why doesn't an open review automatically close when a new version of the document is uploaded? TeamForge doesn't automatically close a document review under any circumstances (new document version, review due date passes, etc). This was a conscious decision on our part in which it was decided that TeamForge cannot always be aware of the business rules or personnel availability at a customer. For example, TeamForge cannot know that the one person whose document review input is most needed is on vacation for the four days the document was under review. If TeamForge were to close the review, then it would disappear from the user's My Page. Additionally, TeamForge cannot know that a new version of a document supersedes the prior versions (or that it doesn't supersede it). You may be uploading a "draft" or "work-in-progress" of the new version as document review feedback is received and if TeamForge were to close the review at this point, you might have received feedback from less than 1 percent of the reviewers.
How do I detect orphan wiki pages?
Unfortunately at this time, TeamForge does not have the ability to locate or display orphaned wiki pages within the UI. This functionality is slated to be included in a future release. If you have an immediate need, please contact Technical Support and a suitable SQL query will be devised.
How do I edit the wiki home page?
Once you've enabled the wiki as the project home page option in Project Admin, you must return to the project home page by clicking the Project Home button. There will be an Edit button on the bottom right of the page under the graphs. You may need to scroll your browser window to the right to see this button.
How do I make the version comment required for wiki updates?
You can use Velocity to customize the pages of TeamForge and make the version comment required. Simply create /opt/collabnet/teamforge/sourceforge_home/templates/body_footer.vm with the contents below.
I set my project to "use wiki homepage" so why isn't my wiki showing up? TeamForge currently uses two distinctly different wikis. There is the wiki you've already edited, which is available by clicking on the Wiki button at the top of any project page, and there is the "project home" wiki, which is what you enabled in the Project Admin screen. If you visit the project home page after setting this option, and you have the proper RBAC permissions, there should be an Edit button in the bottom-right corner of the home page under the graphs. Use this button to edit the project home page wiki.
Why would I attach things to a wiki?
The most common example of when you would attach something to a wiki would be when you need an image in the wiki page and you're concerned that if the image is hosted remotely (a corporate web server, for exampe), it might be moved or removed. Additionally, you might wish to attach a file to a wiki page if the attachment is only truly important in the context of the wiki page and therefore isn't important enough to be uploaded to the Document Manager of TeamForge.