Why do ETL jobs fail post TeamForge upgrade?

This could be due to incompatible database and JDBC driver versions.

Pentaho, used by TeamForge for data integration and transformation jobs, recommends using compatible JDBC drivers meant for specific database versions. See Pentaho's JDBC Drivers Reference for more information.

Do this if the ETL jobs fail post TeamForge upgrade:
  1. Refer to Pentaho's JDBC Drivers Reference page.
  2. Click the JDBC driver reference URL corresponding to your database, Oracle or PostgreSQL.
  3. Identify and download the compatible JDBC driver for your database.
  4. Replace the JDBC driver found in the following directories with the one you downloaded. (The TeamForge ETL process refers to the JDBC driver available in these directories.)
    • /opt/collabnet/teamforge/dist/tomcat/commonlib/
    • /opt/collabnet/teamforge/runtime/tomcat_etl/webapps/etl/WEB-INF/lib
Note: You can also refer to this page for more information about Pentaho-special database issues and resolutions.