You can use fields provided by TeamForge, and you can create your own custom fields.
Most trackers use a mix of TeamForge-provided fields and user-defined fields.
TeamForge-provided fields
Some fields are provided by TeamForge for all trackers.
System-defined fields: Some TeamForge-provided fields are always present in
every tracker. These are identified as "system-defined" fields in the field list.
- The Artifact ID, Title, and
Description fields are system-defined fields. They
are always present and always come first when you view an artifact.
- Some system-defined fields can be reordered. For example, the
Priority and Assigned To
fields are system-defined fields, so they are always present, but you can move
them around in your tracker's display.
Configurable Fields: Some fields are available for any tracker, but can be
modified in different ways. These are called "configurable" fields.
- Any configurable field can be a required field. When a field is required, a user
can't submit an artifact without providing a value for that field.
- Some configurable fields can be disabled. When a field is disabled, TeamForge
does not store data for it or include it in calculations. For example, the
Reported in Release field is meant for tracking bugs,
so you may want to disable it for a tracker that's for user stories. But the
Status field is important for any tracker, so it
can't be disabled.
- For some configurable fields, you can specify whether users see the field when
they submit an artifact.
- Some configurable fields need values for users to choose from. You have to
provide those choices.
- You can set the width and height of configurable text fields.
User-defined fields
When none of the TeamForge-provided fields captures exactly the information you need
to track, you should create a field tailored to your own needs. Such fields are
identified in the field list as "user-defined" fields. See Create your own tracker fields for details.