Pipelines represent the sequence of
life-cycle steps that define a work-group's production process.
Introducing pipelines
Work-groups often establish life-cycle processes that involve steps like code commits,
reviews, continuous integration (CI) jobs, and, eventually, a deploy or release event. In
TeamForge Orchestrate, "pipelines" represent the entire series of steps throughout the
life-cycle process, from the requirements stage to the production of working software.
Pipelines in action
Pipelines are associated with TeamForge projects. A project pipeline represents a work-group's
process as it relates to that particular project. Pipelines consist of "steps" such as
"work item", "commit", "build", and "review", which
can be sequenced to model a specific work-group's process. Each step can be associated with one
or more "sources" which inform TeamForge Orchestrate of a work-group's activities. For
example, a "commit" source is a version control repository where new commits or "pushes" appear
as activities in the work-group's pipeline. Similarly, "build" sources include jobs run by a
particular CI engine like Jenkins, with new builds added to the work-group's pipeline as
More than one pipeline may be established for a given project, for example:
- A project has two or more groups using differing processes
- A project has two or more life-cycle phases employing differing processes
Pipeline navigation
To list a single project's pipelines click the project name in the breadcrumb navigation. To list all
active pipelines across all projects for which you have access, click the
Projects breadcrumb.
Pipeline management
TeamForge Orchestrate enables you to establish and
modify pipelines, steps, and sources within steps. Pipeline management functions include:
- Creating new pipelines and configuring work item, build, SCM and review sources for pipelines.
- Adding, editing, or deleting steps to pipelines
- Adding, editing, or deleting sources associated with steps in pipelines
- Renaming pipelines, steps or sources
- Archiving obsolete pipelines or restoring archived pipelines
Archived pipelines
A pipeline may be archived if it is no longer in use.
When an unused pipeline is archived, TeamForge Orchestrate no longer updates it with data from any
source. If needed later, the archived pipeline can be restored. At all times, historic activity
data within the pipeline is accessible.