List pipelines

The TeamForge Orchestrate project home page lists pipelines associated with the selected project. Depending on your permissions, the pipeline list also provides administrative links to add new pipelines, and edit or archive existing pipelines.

  1. To view active pipelines for a project, click the project name breadcrumb link. You must have TeamForge Orchestrate project permissions in the selected project. You see the pipeline summary page with all the active pipelines and tracker sources for which you have access.

    Pipeline attributes depicted include the pipeline name, short name used in URLs, and the number of steps in each pipeline. From this page, given the appropriate permissions, you can add new pipelines, manage pipelines, archive pipelines, view archived pipelines, or view all pipelines across all projects.

  2. To view all pipelines across all projects, click Projects breadcrumb links. The resulting pipeline list page shows all active pipelines and tracker sources grouped by TeamForge projects in which you have TeamForge Orchestrate access permissions.

    Pipeline attributes shown include the pipeline name, short name used in URLs, the project associated with the pipeline, and the number of steps in each pipeline. From this page, given the appropriate permissions, you can add new pipelines, manage pipelines, archive pipelines, view archived pipelines, or return to the project-specific list of pipelines.