It may be too complex. Project Tracker cannot generate results for queries that contain
too many variables.
A point system is used to figure out the complexity of a query. If you exceed a certain
number of points, you cannot generate the query.
Points are calculated according to these rules:
- 1 point for each attribute. (Except text attributes, which get no points.)
- 1 point for one or more user associations. It does not matter how many personnel
associations are specified; the point is added for only the first one.
- 1 point for "created" items, either the Creation Date
Range, or one or more user associations of Created By.
One point, maximum, is added if both Creation Date Range and one or
more Created By user associations are used.
- 1 point for the Attribute Change query criteria, with an additional
1 point if dates are specified.
The points are added, and if the number of points is greater than a certain number, an alert
is displayed and the query is not generated.