When you need to run a saved Project Tracker query or report repeatedly, you can write
a shell script using wget commands.
You can use the wget utility to automate the process of running the query or report
and exporting it to a spreadsheet format, from which it can be easily extracted for analysis
by an external tool, such as a spreadsheet.
Wget is a network utility to retrieve files
from the Web using http and ftp, the two most widely used Internet protocols. It works
non-interactively, so it will work in the background, after having logged off. For more
information about wget, see the wget Web site.
Note: To use this example code, you must have wget 1.10 or later installed locally. You will
also need a working knowledge of Project Tracker, HTML, HTTP, and shell scripting.
Note: If you are using RedHat 9, please note the wget binary shipped with
RedHat 9 is known to have problems with client certificates.
Note: Although the example commands above are specific to wget, you can use any scripting or
programming language to script Project Tracker to export data. The sequence of operations
remains the same for any scripting or programming language you would use to drive an