You can write scripts to export Project Tracker query and report results for external
Your script will need to contain commands for the following operations.
Login: When logging into the domain through a script powered by
"wget", the login information is passed via URL.
The username and password must conform to the rules for a URL, i.e., no un-encoded
spaces, underscores, or other dis-allowed punctuation. While special characters are not
generally found in usernames, the domain may require that they be used in passwords. If
the password uses special characters, it would need to be properly encoded.
Log into the domain.
If your site does not use client certs, use the following "wget"
command to log in:
wget --header='Cookie: JSESSIONID=' '[domain
If your site uses client certs, use the following "wget" command
to log in:
wget --sslcertfile=./[domain name].crt --sslcertkey=./[domain name].key
--header='Cookie: JSESSIONID=' 'https://[domain
Execute the saved query/report.
Using "wget", this command executes the query/report and saves the
response to the file you specified in [filename]. The
[project name] corresponds to the name of the project, where the
saved query/report resides.
wget -O [filename] --header='Cookie: JSESSIONID=' 'http://[project
name].[domain name]/[URL]'
Note: Although the example commands above are specific to "wget", the
ability to script Project Tracker to export data is not. The listed sequence of operations
hold true for any scripting or programming language you'd use to drive an export.