Decide on the type of Lab Management deployment to implement, collect the pre-deployment information you need, and then proceed to install the Lab Management domain.
Decide on a Lab Management deployment scenario
You can deploy Lab Management in one of three modes -- Direct-Access Deployment, Isolated-Access Deployment, or Mixed-Access Deployment. Direct-Access deployment is strongly recommended.
Collect network deployment information
The key to a successful Lab Management installation and deployment depends on the intelligent planning and design of the Lab Management network components.
Set up the Lab Management Manager node
To set up the Manager node, you'll need to create it, configure the site.conf file, run the installer, allow access to the TeamForge or CEE site from the Manager node, and determine where to deploy the other Infrastructure nodes.
Create the Primary Active Directory server Lab Management uses such a small subset of Active Directory features that you do not require a dedicated high-end server for it.
Create the Secondary Active Directory server (Optional)
The Lab Management Installer automatically creates the configuration files (the host files for the Active Directory server) for you. After it completes this task, follow these steps to create the Secondary Active Directory server.
Create Solaris SPARC Bootserver (Optional)
The Lab Management Installer automatically creates the configuration files (the host files for the Solaris SPARC Bootserver) for you.