Features and enhancements

Subversion Edge 3.2 adds these new features and enhancements.

Artifact ID Description
artf6106 There is an internal mechanism that skips the TeamForge integration wizard and just bootstraps an install into TeamForge mode.
artf6287 Some Hibernate warnings in the logs have been resolved.
artf7195 Subversion Edge 3.2 provides a new interface for configuring system monitoring.
artf7226 The sign-up form for CollabNet Cloud Services is populated based on information from the user logged in.
artf7441 When users are notified on new updates, there is a link to a wiki page with more information about the release.
artf7553 Email notifications are sent when replica commands fail. For more information on the new field for configuring this email address, please see "Convert to a replica server in TeamForge".
artf7566 With Subversion Edge 3.2, you can specify the wait time and retry attempts for replica commands that fail.
artf7567 The Subversion Edge 3.2 user interface lets you manually replay replica commands.
artf7570 This release supports Apache 2.2.23.
artf7577 Subversion Edge 3.2 binaries have been updated to Subversion 1.7.7.
artf7592 ViewVC has been upgraded to version 1.1.16.