Installation instructions for TeamForge Orchestrate
This guide is a step-by-step walk-through of the TeamForge Orchestrate installation process. We recommend reading this entire document before starting the installation process; the installer asks several questions and it is beneficial to have the answers handy. Note that some questions have a default answer which is denoted in square brackets.
Download and run install_[version].sh
where [version] represents the target Orchestrate version.
cp install_[version].sh /tmp cd /tmp chmod 755 install_[version].sh
At this point, if the host(s) you are installing on do not have internet access, follow the steps in Installation without internet access before continuing with the next step in this guide.
sudo ./install_[version].sh
The installer then performs the following actions: installs the CollabNet yum repository, installs the collabnet-orchestrate-core RPM, which causes several dependencies to be installed (passenger, ruby, redis, nginx, gems, etc.).
> Do you agree to the terms of the license?
Type "Yes" to proceed, or "No" to exit. Once agreed, the installation process continues by asking a series of questions necessary to configure your installation TeamForge Orchestrate.
Installing MongoDB - The first set of questions concerns installation and configuration of MongoDB, the database server.
> Do you have an existing MongoDB system you would like to use? [No]:
Input "No" unless you have an existing instance of MongoDB you prefer to use. If you input "Yes", reference the documentation in Use an existing MongoDB installation to complete MongoDB configuration, then return to this document and skip to the next section concerning RabbitMQ.
> What is the SSH hostname of your MongoDB server:
Enter the hostname of the server that has been designated as the database server (DB server). If installing on a single host, use "localhost".
> What is the SSH username for your MongoDB server (NOTE: This user needs sudo access):
Enter the name of the user to use when installing the MongoDB software on your DB server. This user must be able to connect via SSH to the machine where MongDB will be installed, even for single-host installations (local SSH). This is the NOT the database user.
> What is the password for the USERNAME user on HOSTNAME []:
Note that the password is required even if using SSH keys. While keys will be used for remote host access, a username and password is still needed for executing privileged (sudo) installation commands.
> Does this account need a SSH key for authentication [No]:
Input "Yes" if you have set up your DB server with the current system's public key. Meaning, that you have added your public key for the App server where this script is running into the authorized keys list on the DB server. Allowing you to SSH from this machine into the DB server without supplying a password. Note: you will still be prompted for a private password (passphrase), if you set one when you created your private key.
> What is the full path to the SSH key you would like to use [~/.ssh/id_rsa]:
Installing RabbitMQ - The following set of questions concerns installation and configuration of RabbitMQ, the message queue server.
> Do you have an existing RabbitMQ system you would like to use? [No]:
Input "No" unless you have an existing instance of RabbitMQ you prefer to use. If you input "Yes", reference the documentation in Use an existing RabbitMQ installation to complete RabbitMQ configuration, then return to this document and skip to the next section concerning TeamForge Orchestrate configuration.
> What is the hostname of your RabbitMQ host:
Enter the hostname of the server that has been designated as the message queue server (MQ server). The MQ component must be network accessible by adapters supplying data to Orchestrate so entering "localhost" is not advisable, even for single-host installations. We also suggest using a distinct DNS hostname or alias for the MQ component to make host separation easier for scaling in the future.
> What is the SSH username for your RabbitMQ host (NOTE: This user needs sudo access):
Enter the name of the user to use when installing the RabbitMQ software on your MQ server. This user must be able to connect via SSH to the machine where RabbitMQ will be installed, even for single-host installations (local SSH).
> What is the password for the USERNAME user on HOSTNAME []:
Note that the password is required even if using SSH keys. While keys will be used for remote host access, a username and password is still needed for executing privileged (sudo) installation commands.
> Does this account need a SSH key for authentication [No]:
Input "Yes" if you have set up your MQ server with the current system's public key. Meaning, that you have added your public key for the App server where this script is running into the authorized keys list on the MQ server. Allowing you to SSH from this machine into the MQ server machine without supplying a password. Note: you will still be prompted for a private password (passphrase), if you set one when you created your private key.
> What is the full path to the SSH key you would like to use [~/.ssh/id_rsa]:
Configuring TeamForge Orchestrate - The following set of questions concerns the configuration of TeamForge Orchestrate.
> What virtual hostname should we use for the Orchestrate web service:
Enter the hostname end-users will use to access TeamForge Orchestrate. You should be running the installer on the same machine that is designated as the Orchestrate App server. So the answer here would be the DNS hostname entry for the local host.
> What is the SSH username for your Orchestrate host (localhost) NOTE: This user needs sudo privileges:
Enter the name of the user to use when installing the Orchestrate application on the local server. SSH credentials are required even if you are installing this component on the current host.
> What is the password for the USERNAME user on HOSTNAME []:
SSH credentials are required even if this is a local installation. Note that the password is required even if using SSH keys. While keys will be used for remote host access, a username and password is still needed for executing privileged (sudo) installation commands.
> Does this account need a SSH key for authentication [No]:
Input "Yes" if you have set up a SSH key for authentication. SSH credentials are required even if this is a local installation. Note: you will still be prompted for a private password (passphrase), if you set one when you created your private key.
> What is the full path to the SSH key you would like to use [~/.ssh/id_rsa]:
> Where is the SSL key you want to use for Orchestrate located:
Enter the full path of your locally stored SSL key file (Example: /path/to/server.key). This key file will be used to configure the Nginx server for SSL support. Self-signed certificates are acceptable.
> Where is the SSL certificate you want to use for Orchestrate located:
Enter the full path of your locally stored SSL cert file (Example: /path/to/server.crt). This key file will be used to configure the Nginx server for SSL support. This can be a self signed certificate.
> Where is the CA certificate chain you want to use for Orchestrate located:
Enter the full path of your locally stored CA certificate chain file. This file will be provide by the SSL certificate signing authority used to generate your SSL certificate. If you are using a self-signed certificate then a CA certificate is not required; however, the installer needs a file here in order to continue, just create an empty file and input the path and name.
touch /path/to/emptyfileConfiguring TeamForge - The following set of questions concerns the configuration of TeamForge.
> What is the URL for your TeamForge server:
Enter the URL for the TeamForge instance associated with this TeamForge Orchestrate installation.
> What administrative user would you like to use to join TeamForge Orchestrate to TeamForge:
The installation process requires a TeamForge administrative account so to execute the integration of Orchestrate into TeamForge.
Add this user to the USERS_WITH_NO_EXPIRY_PASSWORD section within your TeamForge site-options.conf file.
> What is the password for the user you entered:
The installer will now perform a series of operations; installing and/or configuring MongoDB, RabbitMQ, and the Orchestrate server. When the installer finishes, Orchestrate will be installed and accessible using the TeamForge Orchestrate hostname configured above.
Continue with the Post-installation tasks before using TeamForge Orchestrate.
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