Add a commit source

You can configure a commit source for commit steps in your pipeline.

To add a commit source, you must first define a "commit" step in your pipeline. To create a commit source, you must have "Pipeline create" or "Pipeline edit" permission for the project.

  1. Click the project name in the breadcrumb navigation.
  2. Click Edit for your pipeline. If your pipeline has:
    • No steps — You are now in the "Manage Pipeline" page. Add one or more commit steps for your pipeline, then click on Save and Add Sources to navigate to the "Manage Sources" page.
    • One or more steps — You see the "Manage Sources" page. If you have one or more commit steps in your pipeline, you can now add or edit sources for your commit steps. If you have no commit steps, click Manage Pipeline. On the "Manage Pipeline" page, add one or more commit steps for your pipeline and then click Save and Add Sources to navigate to the "Manage Sources" page.
  3. Select the "commit" step to which you wish to add a source.

You can choose to edit an existing source, or create a new source for this pipeline step.

  1. To edit an existing commit source, click Edit. You can edit the display name for any commit source. Commit sources can be defined with one of two repository types:
    • Project repositories: housed within TeamForge projects
    • External repositories: housed outside of TeamForge projects

    Once defined, you cannot switch the repository type. For external repositories, you can edit the repository URL. For project repositories, "Source Code view" permission is required and once selected and saved to a source, the project repository selection may not be altered. To work around this constraint, create a new source with a new repository and deactivate the old source.

    Note: While editing an existing source configuration, you can click DEACTIVATE to stop TeamForge Orchestrate from collecting data from that source; click ACTIVATE to resume data collection from the source.
  2. To add a new commit source, click Add a new source.
    1. Provide a display name for the commit source that will be depicted on all screens in the TeamForge Orchestrate user interface where this source appears. The display name can be up to 100 alphanumeric characters.
    2. Select the repository type. Your source may be either a TeamForge project repository or an "external" repository.
      • Project repositories: housed within TeamForge projects; and
      • External repositories: housed outside of TeamForge projects.
      Note: You need "Source Code view" permission to see available project repositories.
    3. Enter repository information depending on your repository type:
      • TeamForge project repository — Select your repository from the list of project repositories that are not associated with any commit source in this pipeline. Only Subversion and Git repositories are supported. When you choose the repository, the repository URL is automatically populated. Requires "Source Code view" permission.
      • External repository — Enter your repository URL; this is likely the URI used to check-out code or a WebDAV-enabled URL. For Subversion repos, run the "svn info" command inside the working copy and copy/paste the value of the "URL" field. For Git repos, run "git remote show origin" inside the working tree and use the value of the "Fetch URL" field, without the "username@".
      Note: If your Subversion repository URL is set to:, TeamForge Orchestrate will collect messages from the "myproject" repository and all repositories under "myproject" such as
  3. Click Done.

    TeamForge Orchestrate saves the new commit source, and activates it.

    For most source types, TeamForge Orchestrate generates a unique "source association key". The source association key uniquely identifies and helps route data from sources to the proper source/step/pipeline in TeamForge Orchestrate. You must supply this string while configuring adapters for SCM, build and review services. You can copy the key by clicking on the small clipboard icon. No association key is necessary when you configure a TeamForge project repository, though.

    Note: TeamForge Orchestrate displays all the defined sources for a step in the order in which they were defined.