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Interface ITrackerAppSoap

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      void addDateField(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String trackerId, java.lang.String fieldName, boolean isRequired, boolean isDisabled, boolean isHiddenOnCreate, java.lang.String helpText)
      Adds a custom Date field to a tracker.
      void addMultiSelectField(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String trackerId, java.lang.String fieldName, int displayLines, boolean isRequired, boolean isDisabled, boolean isHiddenOnCreate, java.lang.String[] fieldValues, java.lang.String[] defaultValues, java.lang.String helpText)
      Adds a custom multi select field to a tracker.
      void addSeparator(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String trackerId, java.lang.String separatorType, java.lang.String separatorLabel)
      Adds a separator to a tracker.
      void addSingleSelectChildField(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String trackerId, java.lang.String fieldName, java.lang.String[] fieldValues, java.lang.String parentFieldId, SoapNamedValues parentChildFieldValueMap, java.lang.String helpText)
      Adds a custom single select field to a tracker.
      void addSingleSelectField(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String trackerId, java.lang.String fieldName, boolean isRequired, boolean isDisabled, boolean isHiddenOnCreate, java.lang.String[] fieldValues, java.lang.String defaultValue, java.lang.String helpText)
      Adds a custom single select field to a tracker.
      void addTextField(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String trackerId, java.lang.String fieldName, int displayColumns, int displayLines, boolean isRequired, boolean isDisabled, boolean isHiddenOnCreate, java.lang.String defaultValue, java.lang.String helpText, java.lang.String pattern)
      Adds a custom text field to a tracker.
      void addUserSelectField(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String trackerId, java.lang.String fieldName, int displayLines, boolean isRequired, boolean isDisabled, boolean isHiddenOnCreate, java.lang.String[] defaultValues, java.lang.String userFilter, java.lang.String helpText)
      Adds a custom User selection field to a tracker.
      Tracker2SoapDO cloneTracker(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String srcTrackerId, java.lang.String destTrackerTitle, java.lang.String destTrackerDescription)
      Clone Tracker within the same project
      Tracker2SoapDO cloneTrackerAcrossProject(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String srcTrackerId, java.lang.String destProjectId, java.lang.String destTrackerTitle, java.lang.String destTrackerDescription)
      Clone Tracker across the project
      void copyWorkflowTransitions(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String srcTrackerId, java.lang.String dstTrackerId)
      Copies workflow transitions between two trackers.
      ArtifactSoapDO createArtifact(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String trackerId, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String description, java.lang.String group, java.lang.String category, java.lang.String status, java.lang.String customer, int priority, int estimatedEffort, int remainingEffort, boolean autosumming, int points, java.lang.String assignedUsername, java.lang.String releaseId, java.lang.String planningFolderId, SoapFieldValues flexFields, java.lang.String attachmentFileName, java.lang.String attachmentMimeType, java.lang.String attachmentFileId)
      in favor of createArtifact3
      ArtifactSoapDO createArtifact2(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String trackerId, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String description, java.lang.String group, java.lang.String category, java.lang.String status, java.lang.String customer, int priority, int estimatedEffort, int remainingEffort, boolean autosumming, int points, java.lang.String assignedUsername, java.lang.String releaseId, java.lang.String planningFolderId, SoapFieldValues flexFields, AttachmentSoapDO[] attachments)
      in favor of createArtifact3
      Artifact2SoapDO createArtifact3(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String trackerId, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String description, java.lang.String group, java.lang.String category, java.lang.String status, java.lang.String customer, int priority, int estimatedEffort, int remainingEffort, boolean autosumming, int points, boolean autoSummingPoints, java.lang.String assignedUsername, java.lang.String releaseId, java.lang.String planningFolderId, java.lang.String teamId, SoapFieldValues flexFields, AttachmentSoapDO[] attachments)
      Creates a new artifact with calculate the autosumming_point attachments.
      void createArtifactDependency(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String originId, java.lang.String targetId, java.lang.String desc)
      Creates an artifact dependency between two artifacts.
      TrackerSoapDO createTracker(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String projectId, java.lang.String trackerName, java.lang.String trackerTitle, java.lang.String trackerDescription, java.lang.String icon)
      use createTracker3 instead, which includes tracker unit and autosum foreign children support
      Tracker2SoapDO createTracker2(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String projectId, java.lang.String trackerName, java.lang.String trackerTitle, java.lang.String trackerDescription, java.lang.String icon, java.lang.String trackerUnitId)
      use createTracker3 instead, which includes foreign children support
      Tracker3SoapDO createTracker3(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String projectId, java.lang.String trackerName, java.lang.String trackerTitle, java.lang.String trackerDescription, java.lang.String icon, java.lang.String trackerUnitId, boolean autosumForeignChildren)
      Creates a new tracker with autosum foreign children support
      void deleteArtifact(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String artifactId)
      Deletes an artifact.
      void deleteField(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String objectId, java.lang.String fieldId)
      Deletes a custom/flex-field .
      void deleteSeparator(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String trackerId, java.lang.String layoutId)
      Deletes a separator of a tracker layout.
      ArtifactSoapList findArtifacts(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String queryString, java.lang.String projectId, boolean searchAttachments)
      in favor of findArtifacts2
      Artifact2SoapList findArtifacts2(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String queryString, java.lang.String projectId, boolean searchAttachments)
      Finds a list of artifacts matching a search string.
      WorkflowTransitionSoapList getAllowedWorkflowTransitionList(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String trackerId)
      Gets workflow transitions for the tracker.
      ArtifactSoapDO getArtifactData(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String artifactId)
      in favor of getArtifactData2
      Artifact2SoapDO getArtifactData2(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String artifactId)
      Returns data associated with the specified artifact.
      ArtifactDetailSoapList getArtifactDetailList(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String trackerId, java.lang.String[] selectedColumns, SoapFilter[] filters, SoapSortKey[] sortKeys, int startIndex, int maxRows, boolean exceptionIfExpiredCache, boolean forceNewQuery)
      in favor of getArtifactDetailList2
      ArtifactDetail2SoapList getArtifactDetailList2(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String trackerId, java.lang.String[] selectedColumns, SoapFilter[] filters, SoapSortKey[] sortKeys, int startIndex, int maxRows, boolean exceptionIfExpiredCache, boolean forceNewQuery)
      Returns a filtered and ordered list of artifacts from the specified tracker.
      ArtifactSoapList getArtifactList(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String containerId, SoapFilter[] filters)
      in fovor of getArtifactList2
      Artifact2SoapList getArtifactList2(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String containerId, SoapFilter[] filters)
      Returns a filtered list of artifacts within the specified container (project or tracker).
      ArtifactDependencySoapList getChildDependencyList(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String artifactId)
      Gets the dependency list for an artifact where the artifact is the origin artifact.
      ArtifactDetailSoapList getCrossTrackerArtifactList(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String containerId, SoapFilter[] filters, java.lang.String[] selectedColumns)
      in favor of getCrossTrackerArtifactList2
      ArtifactDetail2SoapList getCrossTrackerArtifactList2(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String containerId, SoapFilter[] filters, java.lang.String[] selectedColumns)
      Returns a filtered list of artifacts within the specified container (project or tracker).
      TrackerFieldSoapDO[] getFields(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String trackerId)
      Returns the custom/flex-fields associated with a specific tracker.
      OrderedTrackerFieldSoapList getOrderedTrackerFields(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String trackerId)
      Returns all fields and separators in the given tracker with layout information.
      ArtifactDependencySoapList getParentDependencyList(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String artifactId)
      Gets the dependency list for an artifact where the artifact is the target artifact.
      Tracker2SoapDO getTracker2Data(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String trackerId)
      use getTracker3Data instead, which includes autosum foreign children support
      Tracker2SoapList getTracker2List(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String projectId)
      use getTracker3List instead, which includes autosum foreign children support
      Tracker3SoapDO getTracker3Data(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String trackerId)
      Returns a data object for a given tracker
      Tracker3SoapList getTracker3List(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String projectId)
      Returns a list of trackers for a project in the order that they are displayed in the UI.
      TrackerSoapDO getTrackerData(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String trackerId)
      use getTracker3Data instead, which includes tracker unit and autosum foreign children support
      TrackerSoapList getTrackerList(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String projectId)
      use getTracker3List instead, which includes tracker unit and autosum foreign children support
      TrackerUnitSoapList getUnitsByProject(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String projectId)
      Gets the units for a given project.
      ArtifactSoapDO moveArtifact(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String artifactId, java.lang.String targetFolderId, java.lang.String newAssignee)
      in favor of moveArtifact2
      Artifact2SoapDO moveArtifact2(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String artifactId, java.lang.String targetFolderId, java.lang.String newAssignee)
      Moves an artifact to a specified target folder.
      void removeArtifactDependency(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String originId, java.lang.String targetId)
      Removes an artifact dependency between two artifacts.
      void reorderTrackerFields(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String trackerId, java.lang.String[] layoutIds)
      Sets a new order of the fields and the separators within a tracker.
      void reorderTrackers(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String[] trackerIds)
      Sets a new order of the trackers within a project.
      void setArtifactData(java.lang.String sessionId, ArtifactSoapDO artifactData, java.lang.String comment, java.lang.String attachmentFileName, java.lang.String attachmentMimeType, java.lang.String attachmentFileId)
      in favor of setArtifactData3
      void setArtifactData2(java.lang.String sessionId, ArtifactSoapDO artifactData, java.lang.String comment, AttachmentSoapDO[] attachments)
      in favor of setArtifactData3
      void setArtifactData3(java.lang.String sessionId, Artifact2SoapDO artifactData, java.lang.String comment, AttachmentSoapDO[] attachments)
      Sets data associated along with multiple attachments with the specified artifact.
      void setArtifactRank(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String planningFolderId, java.lang.String artfToRankId, java.lang.String artfBeforeId, java.lang.String artfAfterId)
      Sets the rank of an artifact relative to one or more other artifacts, in the context of a specific planning folder.
      void setField(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String objectId, TrackerFieldSoapDO fieldData)
      Sets a custom/flex-field that is associated with a specific folder (e.g. tracker).
      void setTracker2Data(java.lang.String sessionId, Tracker2SoapDO trackerData)
      use setTracker3Data instead, which includes autosum foreign children support
      void setTracker3Data(java.lang.String sessionId, Tracker3SoapDO trackerData)
      Sets data on a specific tracker with autosum foreign children support
      void setTrackerData(java.lang.String sessionId, TrackerSoapDO trackerData)
      use setTracker3Data instead, which includes tracker unit and autosum foreign children support
    • Method Detail

      • getTrackerList

        TrackerSoapList getTrackerList(java.lang.String sessionId,
                                       java.lang.String projectId)
                                throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Deprecated. use getTracker3List instead, which includes tracker unit and autosum foreign children support
        Returns a list of trackers for a project in the order that they are displayed in the UI.
        sessionId - User session id.
        projectId - Project id.
        List of trackers within the project.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when the specified object id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - when the user has insufficient privileges.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when an unexpected system error occurs.
      • getTracker2List

        Tracker2SoapList getTracker2List(java.lang.String sessionId,
                                         java.lang.String projectId)
                                  throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Deprecated. use getTracker3List instead, which includes autosum foreign children support
        Returns a list of trackers for a project in the order that they are displayed in the UI.
        sessionId - User session id.
        projectId - Project id.
        List of trackers within the project.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when the specified object id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - when the user has insufficient privileges.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when an unexpected system error occurs.
      • getTracker3List

        Tracker3SoapList getTracker3List(java.lang.String sessionId,
                                         java.lang.String projectId)
                                  throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Returns a list of trackers for a project in the order that they are displayed in the UI.
        sessionId - User session id.
        projectId - Project id.
        List of trackers within the project.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when the specified object id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - when the user has insufficient privileges.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when an unexpected system error occurs.
      • getTrackerData

        TrackerSoapDO getTrackerData(java.lang.String sessionId,
                                     java.lang.String trackerId)
                              throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Deprecated. use getTracker3Data instead, which includes tracker unit and autosum foreign children support
        Returns a data object for a given tracker
        sessionId - User session id.
        trackerId - Tracker id.
        Detailed data on the tracker.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when the specified object id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - when the user has insufficient privileges.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when an unexpected system error occurs.
      • getTracker2Data

        Tracker2SoapDO getTracker2Data(java.lang.String sessionId,
                                       java.lang.String trackerId)
                                throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Deprecated. use getTracker3Data instead, which includes autosum foreign children support
        Returns a data object for a given tracker
        sessionId - User session id.
        trackerId - Tracker id.
        Detailed data on the tracker.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when the specified object id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - when the user has insufficient privileges.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when an unexpected system error occurs.
      • getTracker3Data

        Tracker3SoapDO getTracker3Data(java.lang.String sessionId,
                                       java.lang.String trackerId)
                                throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Returns a data object for a given tracker
        sessionId - User session id.
        trackerId - Tracker id.
        Detailed data on the tracker.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when the specified object id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - when the user has insufficient privileges.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when an unexpected system error occurs.
      • setTrackerData

        void setTrackerData(java.lang.String sessionId,
                            TrackerSoapDO trackerData)
                     throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Deprecated. use setTracker3Data instead, which includes tracker unit and autosum foreign children support
        Sets data on a specific tracker, using this method and not setTracker2Data will reset the tracker unit to the default
        sessionId - User session id.
        trackerData - Detailed data on the tracker to set.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when the specified object id is invalid or field or icon could not be found.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - when the user has insufficient privileges.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when an unexpected system error occurs.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.IllegalArgumentFault - when invalid data is specified.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.VersionMismatchFault - when the object version mismatches the application server.
      • setTracker2Data

        void setTracker2Data(java.lang.String sessionId,
                             Tracker2SoapDO trackerData)
                      throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Deprecated. use setTracker3Data instead, which includes autosum foreign children support
        Sets data on a specific tracker
        sessionId - User session id.
        trackerData - Detailed data on the tracker to set.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when the specified object id is invalid or field or icon could not be found.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - when the user has insufficient privileges.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when an unexpected system error occurs.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.IllegalArgumentFault - when invalid data is specified.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.VersionMismatchFault - when the object version mismatches the application server.
      • setTracker3Data

        void setTracker3Data(java.lang.String sessionId,
                             Tracker3SoapDO trackerData)
                      throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Sets data on a specific tracker with autosum foreign children support
        sessionId - User session id.
        trackerData - Detailed data on the tracker to set.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when the specified object id is invalid or field or icon could not be found.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - when the user has insufficient privileges.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when an unexpected system error occurs.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.IllegalArgumentFault - when invalid data is specified.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.VersionMismatchFault - when the object version mismatches the application server.
      • createTracker

        TrackerSoapDO createTracker(java.lang.String sessionId,
                                    java.lang.String projectId,
                                    java.lang.String trackerName,
                                    java.lang.String trackerTitle,
                                    java.lang.String trackerDescription,
                                    java.lang.String icon)
                             throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Deprecated. use createTracker3 instead, which includes tracker unit and autosum foreign children support
        Creates a new tracker with an icon
        sessionId - User session id.
        projectId - The id of the project under which to create the new tracker
        trackerName - The name of the new tracker
        trackerTitle - The title of the new tracker
        trackerDescription - The description of the new tracker
        icon - The tracker icon (null or something between "icon_01.png" and "icon_99.png")
        the tracker soap object
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - when the user has insufficient privileges.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when an unexpected system error occurs.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when the specified object id is invalid or icon could not be found.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.ObjectAlreadyExistsFault - if an existing tracker already exists
      • createTracker2

        Tracker2SoapDO createTracker2(java.lang.String sessionId,
                                      java.lang.String projectId,
                                      java.lang.String trackerName,
                                      java.lang.String trackerTitle,
                                      java.lang.String trackerDescription,
                                      java.lang.String icon,
                                      java.lang.String trackerUnitId)
                               throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Deprecated. use createTracker3 instead, which includes foreign children support
        Creates a new tracker with an icon
        sessionId - User session id.
        projectId - The id of the project under which to create the new tracker
        trackerName - The name of the new tracker
        trackerTitle - The title of the new tracker
        trackerDescription - The description of the new tracker
        icon - The tracker icon (null or something between "icon_01.png" and "icon_99.png")
        trackerUnitId - The tracker unit
        the tracker soap object
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - when the user has insufficient privileges.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when an unexpected system error occurs.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when the specified object id is invalid or icon could not be found.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.ObjectAlreadyExistsFault - if an existing tracker already exists
      • createTracker3

        Tracker3SoapDO createTracker3(java.lang.String sessionId,
                                      java.lang.String projectId,
                                      java.lang.String trackerName,
                                      java.lang.String trackerTitle,
                                      java.lang.String trackerDescription,
                                      java.lang.String icon,
                                      java.lang.String trackerUnitId,
                                      boolean autosumForeignChildren)
                               throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Creates a new tracker with autosum foreign children support
        sessionId - User session id.
        projectId - The id of the project under which to create the new tracker
        trackerName - The name of the new tracker
        trackerTitle - The title of the new tracker
        trackerDescription - The description of the new tracker
        icon - The tracker icon (null or something between "icon_01.png" and "icon_99.png")
        trackerUnitId - The tracker unit
        autosumForeignChildren - The flag indicating whether the autosum calculation of effort and points includes children from foreign projects
        the tracker soap object
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - when the user has insufficient privileges.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when an unexpected system error occurs.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when the specified object id is invalid or icon could not be found.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.ObjectAlreadyExistsFault - if an existing tracker already exists
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.IllegalArgumentFault - if the arguments are incorrectly specified
      • setField

        void setField(java.lang.String sessionId,
                      java.lang.String objectId,
                      TrackerFieldSoapDO fieldData)
               throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Sets a custom/flex-field that is associated with a specific folder (e.g. tracker). This method was introduced to be able to set properties of the help text in TeamForge 5.4.1
        sessionId - User session id.
        objectId - Object (e.g. tracker) for which to set the field information.
        fieldData - the custom/flex-field to associate with a specific folder
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when the specified object id or fieldData is invalid
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - when the user has insufficient privileges.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.VersionMismatchFault - if the object has been updated since this fieldDO was fetched
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.IllegalArgumentFault - if the arguments are incorrectly specified. See FaultSummary for detail for the following: - DUPLICATE_FIELD_VALUE - ILLEGAL_FIELD_VALUE - INVALID_FIELD_VALUE - INVALID_DEFAULT_VALUE - INVALID_FIELD_OPTIONS_REQUIRED_DISABLED - INVALID_FIELD_VALUE_LENGTH - REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING - INVALID_FIELD_PATTERN
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidOperationFault - if the operation is not allowed. See FaultSummary for detail for the following: - INVALID_OPTION_DISABLE_RESERVED_FIELD - INVALID_OPTION_DISABLE_IN_USE_FIELD
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when an unexpected system error occurs.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.DependencyViolationFault - if changing a status violates artifact dependency
        See Also:
      • addTextField

        void addTextField(java.lang.String sessionId,
                          java.lang.String trackerId,
                          java.lang.String fieldName,
                          int displayColumns,
                          int displayLines,
                          boolean isRequired,
                          boolean isDisabled,
                          boolean isHiddenOnCreate,
                          java.lang.String defaultValue,
                          java.lang.String helpText,
                          java.lang.String pattern)
                   throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Adds a custom text field to a tracker.
        sessionId - User session id.
        trackerId - The tracker to add the field to.
        fieldName - the name of the field
        displayColumns - the width of the display area
        displayLines - the height of the display area
        isRequired - if the field is required
        isDisabled - if the field is disabled
        isHiddenOnCreate - if the field is hidden when first created
        defaultValue - default value
        helpText - The help text for the field
        pattern - The field validation pattern
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when the specified object id or fieldData is invalid
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - when the user has insufficient privileges.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.VersionMismatchFault - if the object has been updated since this fieldDO was fetched
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.IllegalArgumentFault - if the arguments are incorrectly specified
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidOperationFault - if the operation is not allowed
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when an unexpected system error occurs.
      • addSingleSelectChildField

        void addSingleSelectChildField(java.lang.String sessionId,
                                       java.lang.String trackerId,
                                       java.lang.String fieldName,
                                       java.lang.String[] fieldValues,
                                       java.lang.String parentFieldId,
                                       SoapNamedValues parentChildFieldValueMap,
                                       java.lang.String helpText)
                                throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Adds a custom single select field to a tracker.
        sessionId - User session id.
        trackerId - The tracker to add the field to.
        fieldName - the name of the field
        fieldValues - Array of valid field values
        parentFieldId - The id of the parent field
        parentChildFieldValueMap - soapNamedValues which keeps mapping between parent field values and child values
        helpText - the help text for the field
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when the specified object id or fieldData is invalid
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - when the user has insufficient privileges.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.VersionMismatchFault - if the object has been updated since this fieldDO was fetched
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.IllegalArgumentFault - if the arguments are incorrectly specified
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidOperationFault - if the operation is not allowed
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when an unexpected system error occurs.
      • addSingleSelectField

        void addSingleSelectField(java.lang.String sessionId,
                                  java.lang.String trackerId,
                                  java.lang.String fieldName,
                                  boolean isRequired,
                                  boolean isDisabled,
                                  boolean isHiddenOnCreate,
                                  java.lang.String[] fieldValues,
                                  java.lang.String defaultValue,
                                  java.lang.String helpText)
                           throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Adds a custom single select field to a tracker.
        sessionId - User session id.
        trackerId - The tracker to add the field to.
        fieldName - the name of the field
        isRequired - if the field is required
        isDisabled - if the field is disabled
        isHiddenOnCreate - if the field is hidden when first created
        fieldValues - Array of valid field values
        defaultValue - default value
        helpText - the help text for the field
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when the specified object id or fieldData is invalid
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - when the user has insufficient privileges.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.VersionMismatchFault - if the object has been updated since this fieldDO was fetched
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.IllegalArgumentFault - if the arguments are incorrectly specified
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidOperationFault - if the operation is not allowed
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when an unexpected system error occurs.
      • addMultiSelectField

        void addMultiSelectField(java.lang.String sessionId,
                                 java.lang.String trackerId,
                                 java.lang.String fieldName,
                                 int displayLines,
                                 boolean isRequired,
                                 boolean isDisabled,
                                 boolean isHiddenOnCreate,
                                 java.lang.String[] fieldValues,
                                 java.lang.String[] defaultValues,
                                 java.lang.String helpText)
                          throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Adds a custom multi select field to a tracker.
        sessionId - User session id.
        trackerId - The tracker to add the field to.
        fieldName - the name of the field
        displayLines - the height of the display area
        isRequired - if the field is required
        isDisabled - if the field is disabled
        isHiddenOnCreate - if the field is hidden when first created
        fieldValues - possible values
        defaultValues - default values
        helpText - the help text for the field
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when the specified object id or fieldData is invalid
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - when the user has insufficient privileges.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.VersionMismatchFault - if the object has been updated since this fieldDO was fetched
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.IllegalArgumentFault - if the arguments are incorrectly specified
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidOperationFault - if the operation is not allowed
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when an unexpected system error occurs.
      • addUserSelectField

        void addUserSelectField(java.lang.String sessionId,
                                java.lang.String trackerId,
                                java.lang.String fieldName,
                                int displayLines,
                                boolean isRequired,
                                boolean isDisabled,
                                boolean isHiddenOnCreate,
                                java.lang.String[] defaultValues,
                                java.lang.String userFilter,
                                java.lang.String helpText)
                         throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Adds a custom User selection field to a tracker.
        sessionId - User session id.
        trackerId - The tracker to add the field to.
        fieldName - the name of the field
        displayLines - the height of the display area
        isRequired - if the field is required
        isDisabled - if the field is disabled
        isHiddenOnCreate - if the field is hidden when first created
        defaultValues - default values for this field. Must be valid usernames
        userFilter - is the filter
        helpText - The help text of the field
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when the specified object id or fieldData is invalid
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - when the user has insufficient privileges.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.VersionMismatchFault - if the object has been updated since this fieldDO was fetched
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.IllegalArgumentFault - if the arguments are incorrectly specified
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidOperationFault - if the operation is not allowed
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when an unexpected system error occurs.
        See Also:
      • addDateField

        void addDateField(java.lang.String sessionId,
                          java.lang.String trackerId,
                          java.lang.String fieldName,
                          boolean isRequired,
                          boolean isDisabled,
                          boolean isHiddenOnCreate,
                          java.lang.String helpText)
                   throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Adds a custom Date field to a tracker.
        sessionId - User session id.
        trackerId - The tracker to add the field to.
        fieldName - the name of the field
        isRequired - if the field is required
        isDisabled - if the field is disabled
        isHiddenOnCreate - if the field is hidden when first created
        helpText - the help text of the field
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when the specified object id or fieldData is invalid
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - when the user has insufficient privileges.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.VersionMismatchFault - if the object has been updated since this fieldDO was fetched
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.IllegalArgumentFault - if the arguments are incorrectly specified
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidOperationFault - if the operation is not allowed
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when an unexpected system error occurs.
      • deleteField

        void deleteField(java.lang.String sessionId,
                         java.lang.String objectId,
                         java.lang.String fieldId)
                  throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Deletes a custom/flex-field .
        sessionId - User session id.
        objectId - Object (e.g. tracker).
        fieldId - the id of the field to delete
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when the specified object id or fieldData is invalid
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - when the user has insufficient privileges.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidOperationFault - if the operation is not allowed.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when an unexpected system error occurs.
      • getFields

        TrackerFieldSoapDO[] getFields(java.lang.String sessionId,
                                       java.lang.String trackerId)
                                throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Returns the custom/flex-fields associated with a specific tracker. This method has been introduced to also return the properties of the planning folder, the actual, estimated and remaining effort fields as well as the autosumming flag.
        sessionId - User session id.
        trackerId - The tracker for which to return field information.
        Array of all field values.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - when the user has insufficient privileges.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when the specified object id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when an unexpected system error occurs.
      • addSeparator

        void addSeparator(java.lang.String sessionId,
                          java.lang.String trackerId,
                          java.lang.String separatorType,
                          java.lang.String separatorLabel)
                   throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Adds a separator to a tracker. The separator will be added at the end of tracker fields. To reorder separator and fields, use getOrderedTrackerFields and reorderTrackerFields.
        sessionId - User session id.
        trackerId - The tracker to add the separator to.
        separatorType - the type of the separator, either OrderedTrackerFieldSoapRow.ROW_SEPARATOR OrderedTrackerFieldSoapRow.COLUMN_SEPARATOR or OrderedTrackerFieldSoapRow.SECTION_SEPARATOR.
        separatorLabel - the label of the separator
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when the specified object id is invalid
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - when the user has insufficient privileges.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.IllegalArgumentFault - if the arguments are incorrectly specified
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when an unexpected system error occurs.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.ObjectAlreadyExistsFault - if a separator with the same id exists
      • deleteSeparator

        void deleteSeparator(java.lang.String sessionId,
                             java.lang.String trackerId,
                             java.lang.String layoutId)
                      throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Deletes a separator of a tracker layout.
        sessionId - User session id.
        trackerId - The tracker to delete the separator from.
        layoutId - the layout id of the separator. To get the layout id, use getOrderedTrackerFields.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when the specified object id is invalid
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - when the user has insufficient privileges.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.IllegalArgumentFault - if the arguments are incorrectly specified
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidOperationFault - if the operation is not allowed
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when an unexpected system error occurs.
      • getOrderedTrackerFields

        OrderedTrackerFieldSoapList getOrderedTrackerFields(java.lang.String sessionId,
                                                            java.lang.String trackerId)
                                                     throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Returns all fields and separators in the given tracker with layout information.
        sessionId - User session id.
        trackerId - The tracker for which to return field information.
        Array of all fields and separators.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - when the user has insufficient privileges.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when the specified object id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when an unexpected system error occurs.
      • reorderTrackerFields

        void reorderTrackerFields(java.lang.String sessionId,
                                  java.lang.String trackerId,
                                  java.lang.String[] layoutIds)
                           throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Sets a new order of the fields and the separators within a tracker. The fields and separators will be listed in this new order in UI and in the methods that list the fields and separators in the SOAP calls.
        sessionId - User session id.
        trackerId - Id of tracker which all the fields and the separators belong to.
        layoutIds - An array of layout ids which can be obtained by getOrderedTrackerFields(). Layout id is different from field id and some system fields and separators do not have field id but only layout id.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - When the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - When any of the specified object id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.IllegalArgumentFault - If invalid argument value is passed.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - When the user has insufficient privileges.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - When an unexpected system level error occurs.
      • getArtifactList

        ArtifactSoapList getArtifactList(java.lang.String sessionId,
                                         java.lang.String containerId,
                                         SoapFilter[] filters)
                                  throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Deprecated. in fovor of getArtifactList2
        Returns a filtered list of artifacts within the specified container (project or tracker). See ArtifactSoapDO for filter constant values: ArtifactSoapDO.FILTER_ASSIGNED_TO, etc.
        Change History
        Version 4.2
        • Added additional parameter (filters) for filtering artifact lists.
        Version 4.4
        • Added a limit to the number of rows that could be retrieved. This limit is by default 5000 but is configurable
        • it is substantially obsolete by enhancements to getArtifactDetailList(), which now includes the ability to select which columns are returned, as well as the ability to fetch subsets of data on a "paged" basis, and to return sorted results.
        sessionId - User session id.
        containerId - ID of a project or a tracker.
        filters - Array of filters to apply (null to return unfiltered list).
        List of filtered artifacts.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when the specified object id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - when the user has insufficient privileges.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidFilterFault - when the specified filters are invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when an unexpected system error occurs.
      • getArtifactList2

        Artifact2SoapList getArtifactList2(java.lang.String sessionId,
                                           java.lang.String containerId,
                                           SoapFilter[] filters)
                                    throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Returns a filtered list of artifacts within the specified container (project or tracker). See ArtifactSoapDO for filter constant values: ArtifactSoapDO.FILTER_ASSIGNED_TO, etc.
        sessionId - User session id.
        containerId - ID of a project or a tracker.
        filters - Array of filters to apply (null to return unfiltered list).
        List of filtered artifacts.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when the specified object id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - when the user has insufficient privileges.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidFilterFault - when the specified filters are invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when an unexpected system error occurs.
      • getCrossTrackerArtifactList

        ArtifactDetailSoapList getCrossTrackerArtifactList(java.lang.String sessionId,
                                                           java.lang.String containerId,
                                                           SoapFilter[] filters,
                                                           java.lang.String[] selectedColumns)
                                                    throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Deprecated. in favor of getCrossTrackerArtifactList2
        Returns a filtered list of artifacts within the specified container (project or tracker). Since this is a cross tracker query, flex fields may not be populated.
        sessionId - User session id.
        containerId - ID of a project or a tracker. (should not be null)
        filters - Array of filters to apply (null to return unfiltered list).
        selectedColumns - String array of column names to be selected (null to return all columns). See ArtifactSoapDO for column names constant values e.g. ArtifactSoapDO.COLUMN_CATEGORY
        List of filtered artifacts.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when the specified object id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - when the user has insufficient privileges.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidFilterFault - when the specified filters are invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when an unexpected system error occurs.
      • getCrossTrackerArtifactList2

        ArtifactDetail2SoapList getCrossTrackerArtifactList2(java.lang.String sessionId,
                                                             java.lang.String containerId,
                                                             SoapFilter[] filters,
                                                             java.lang.String[] selectedColumns)
                                                      throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Returns a filtered list of artifacts within the specified container (project or tracker). Since this is a cross tracker query, flex fields may not be populated.
        sessionId - User session id.
        containerId - ID of a project or a tracker. (should not be null)
        filters - Array of filters to apply (null to return unfiltered list).
        selectedColumns - String array of column names to be selected (null to return all columns). See Artifact2SoapDO for column names constant values e.g. Artifact2SoapDO.COLUMN_CATEGORY.
        List of filtered artifacts.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when the specified object id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - when the user has insufficient privileges.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidFilterFault - when the specified filters are invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when an unexpected system error occurs.
      • getArtifactDetailList

        ArtifactDetailSoapList getArtifactDetailList(java.lang.String sessionId,
                                                     java.lang.String trackerId,
                                                     java.lang.String[] selectedColumns,
                                                     SoapFilter[] filters,
                                                     SoapSortKey[] sortKeys,
                                                     int startIndex,
                                                     int maxRows,
                                                     boolean exceptionIfExpiredCache,
                                                     boolean forceNewQuery)
                                              throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Deprecated. in favor of getArtifactDetailList2
        Returns a filtered and ordered list of artifacts from the specified tracker. It gives the user the ability to ask only for certain results with the parameters startIndex and maxRows. In this way the method can be used to implement paging. A special value of -1 for the maxRows parameter will be interpreted as asking for the complete list. Unlike the corresponding method in earlier versions of the soap interface (soap44, etc.), this method now returns data for all flex fields, whether they have values or not. Flex fields with no values will have NULL values in the values[] array

        This method makes use of server-side caching of the complete list in order to more efficiently return results for requests for subsequent "pages" of data. In normal usage, requesting a subsequent page of a given list will return data from this cache unless the cache has expired, in which case the query will transparently be re-executed before return the results. Note that this transparent re-execution can result in slight inconsistencies in the data, if the underlying data has changed. The exceptionIfExpiredCache and forceNewQuery flags can be used to tune cache behavior.

        Caching is managed transparently by the application server, using the filters and selectedColumns parameters to identify subsequent requests for subsets of the same data set. The cache is associated with the user session. Note that the implementation may choose not to cache results if the entire list is being fetched (via specifying -1 for maxRows).

        Note: You can't sort or filter by a non selected column.

        See ArtifactSoapDO for column and filter names constant values: ArtifactSoapDO.COLUMN_TITLE, ArtifactSoapDO.COLUMN_ASSIGNED_TO, FILTER_PRIORITY, FILTER, FILTER_CATEGORY, etc.

        sessionId - User session id.
        trackerId - Tracker id.
        selectedColumns - String array of column names to be selected (null to return all columns). See ArtifactSoapDO for column names constant values e.g. ArtifactSoapDO.COLUMN_CATEGORY
        filters - Array of filters to apply (null to return unfiltered list). See ArtifactSoapDO for filters names constant values e.g. ArtifactSoapDO.FILTER_PRIORITY. Valid date formats are SoapFilter.DATE_FORMAT and SoapFilter.DATE_ONLY_FORMAT.
        sortKeys - Array of SortKey to apply (null to return a default order list that is by ID). See ArtifactSoapDO for column names constant values e.g. ArtifactSoapDO.COLUMN_PRIORITY
        startIndex - The index from which to return the results.
        maxRows - The max quantity of elements to be returned (-1 will return the full list).
        exceptionIfExpiredCache - Causes the method to throw an exception if it doesn't have the results in the cache, rather than the default behavior of silently re-executing the query. This can be used if the caller is fetching paged data and wants to be assured that the pages are from one consistent snapshot of the data.
        forceNewQuery - force the re-execution of the query, ignoring any cached copy of the search result.
        List of filtered artifacts.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when the specified object id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - when the user has insufficient privileges.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidFilterFault - when the specified filters are invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when an unexpected system error occurs.
      • getArtifactDetailList2

        ArtifactDetail2SoapList getArtifactDetailList2(java.lang.String sessionId,
                                                       java.lang.String trackerId,
                                                       java.lang.String[] selectedColumns,
                                                       SoapFilter[] filters,
                                                       SoapSortKey[] sortKeys,
                                                       int startIndex,
                                                       int maxRows,
                                                       boolean exceptionIfExpiredCache,
                                                       boolean forceNewQuery)
                                                throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Returns a filtered and ordered list of artifacts from the specified tracker. It gives the user the ability to ask only for certain results with the parameters startIndex and maxRows. In this way the method can be used to implement paging. A special value of -1 for the maxRows parameter will be interpreted as asking for the complete list. Unlike the corresponding method in earlier versions of the soap interface (soap44, etc.), this method now returns data for all flex fields, whether they have values or not. Flex fields with no values will have NULL values in the values[] array

        This method makes use of server-side caching of the complete list in order to more efficiently return results for requests for subsequent "pages" of data. In normal usage, requesting a subsequent page of a given list will return data from this cache unless the cache has expired, in which case the query will transparently be re-executed before return the results. Note that this transparent re-execution can result in slight inconsistencies in the data, if the underlying data has changed. The exceptionIfExpiredCache and forceNewQuery flags can be used to tune cache behavior.

        Caching is managed transparently by the application server, using the filters and selectedColumns parameters to identify subsequent requests for subsets of the same data set. The cache is associated with the user session. Note that the implementation may choose not to cache results if the entire list is being fetched (via specifying -1 for maxRows).

        Note: You can't sort or filter by a non selected column.

        See ArtifactSoapDO for column and filter names constant values: ArtifactSoapDO.COLUM ArtifactSoapDO.COLUMN_ASSIGNED_TO, FILTER_PRIORITY, FILTER, FILTER_CATEGORY, etc.

        sessionId - User session id.
        trackerId - Tracker id. See ArtifactSoapDO for filters names constant values e.g. ArtifactSoapDO.FILTER_PRIORITY. Valid date formats are SoapFilter.DATE_FORMAT and SoapFilter.DATE_ONLY_FORMAT.
        sortKeys - Array of SortKey to apply (null to return a default order list that is by ID). See ArtifactSoapDO for column names constant values e.g. Artifact2SoapDO.COLUMN_AUTO_SUMMING_POINTS
        startIndex - The index from which to return the results.
        maxRows - The max quantity of elements to be returned (-1 will return the full list).
        exceptionIfExpiredCache - Causes the method to throw an exception if it doesn't have the results in the cache, rather than the default behavior of silently re-executing the query. This can be used if the caller is fetching paged data and wants to be assured that the pages are from one consistent snapshot of the data.
        forceNewQuery - force the re-execution of the query, ignoring any cached copy of the search result.
        List of filtered artifacts.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when the specified object id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - when the user has insufficient privileges.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidFilterFault - when the specified filters are invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when an unexpected system error occurs.
      • findArtifacts

        ArtifactSoapList findArtifacts(java.lang.String sessionId,
                                       java.lang.String queryString,
                                       java.lang.String projectId,
                                       boolean searchAttachments)
                                throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Deprecated. in favor of findArtifacts2
        Finds a list of artifacts matching a search string.
        sessionId - User session id.
        queryString - Query string.
        projectId - The project in which to find artifacts. (if null, search all projects)
        searchAttachments - Whether to search attachments.
        List of artifacts matching search criteria.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when the specified project id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SearchQuerySyntaxFault - when the specified search query string is syntactically invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.IllegalArgumentFault - when the specified query string is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when an unexpected system level error occurs.
      • findArtifacts2

        Artifact2SoapList findArtifacts2(java.lang.String sessionId,
                                         java.lang.String queryString,
                                         java.lang.String projectId,
                                         boolean searchAttachments)
                                  throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Finds a list of artifacts matching a search string.
        sessionId - User session id.
        queryString - Query string.
        projectId - The project in which to find artifacts. (if null, search all projects)
        searchAttachments - Whether to search attachments.
        List of artifacts matching search criteria.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when the specified project id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SearchQuerySyntaxFault - when the specified search query string is syntactically invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.IllegalArgumentFault - when the specified query string is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when an unexpected system level error occurs.
      • getArtifactData

        ArtifactSoapDO getArtifactData(java.lang.String sessionId,
                                       java.lang.String artifactId)
                                throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Deprecated. in favor of getArtifactData2
        Returns data associated with the specified artifact. Unlike the corresponding method in earlier versions of the soap interface (soap44, etc.), this method now returns data for all flex fields, whether they have values or not. Flex fields with no values will have NULL values in the values[] array
        sessionId - User session id.
        artifactId - Artifact id.
        the data associated with the artifact at the given path
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when the specified object id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - when the user has insufficient privileges.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when an unexpected system error occurs.
      • getArtifactData2

        Artifact2SoapDO getArtifactData2(java.lang.String sessionId,
                                         java.lang.String artifactId)
                                  throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Returns data associated with the specified artifact. Unlike the corresponding method in earlier versions of the soap interface (soap44, etc.), this method now returns data for all flex fields, whether they have values or not. Flex fields with no values will have NULL values in the values[] array
        sessionId - User session id.
        artifactId - Artifact id.
        the data associated with the artifact at the given path
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when the specified object id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - when the user has insufficient privileges.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when an unexpected system error occurs.
      • setArtifactData

        void setArtifactData(java.lang.String sessionId,
                             ArtifactSoapDO artifactData,
                             java.lang.String comment,
                             java.lang.String attachmentFileName,
                             java.lang.String attachmentMimeType,
                             java.lang.String attachmentFileId)
                      throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Deprecated. in favor of setArtifactData3
        Sets data associated with the specified artifact.
        sessionId - User session id.
        artifactData - the data associated with the artifact at the given path
        comment - Comment associated with the change.
        attachmentFileName - Name of the attached file (or null)
        attachmentMimeType - Mime type of the attached file (or null)
        attachmentFileId - ID of the attached file (previously uploaded via *FileStorage service) or null
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when the specified object id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - when the user has insufficient privileges.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.VersionMismatchFault - when the object data is stale.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.IllegalArgumentFault - when the artifact data is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InconsistentFieldValueFault - when field hierarchy has been changed and the values are no longer valid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when an unexpected system error occurs.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.WorkflowViolationFault - when workflow rule is violated
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.DependencyViolationFault - when dependency rule is violated
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PlanningFolderRuleViolationFault - when planning folder rule is violated
      • setArtifactData2

        void setArtifactData2(java.lang.String sessionId,
                              ArtifactSoapDO artifactData,
                              java.lang.String comment,
                              AttachmentSoapDO[] attachments)
                       throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Deprecated. in favor of setArtifactData3
        Sets data associated along with multiple attachments with the specified artifact.
        sessionId - User session id.
        artifactData - the data associated with the artifact at the given path
        comment - Comment associated with the change.
        attachments - attached file List
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when the specified object id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - when the user has insufficient privileges.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.VersionMismatchFault - when the object data is stale.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.IllegalArgumentFault - when the artifact data is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InconsistentFieldValueFault - when field hierarchy has been changed and the values are no longer valid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when an unexpected system error occurs.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.WorkflowViolationFault - when workflow rule is violated
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.DependencyViolationFault - when dependency rule is violated
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PlanningFolderRuleViolationFault - when planning folder rule is violated
      • setArtifactData3

        void setArtifactData3(java.lang.String sessionId,
                              Artifact2SoapDO artifactData,
                              java.lang.String comment,
                              AttachmentSoapDO[] attachments)
                       throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Sets data associated along with multiple attachments with the specified artifact.
        sessionId - User session id.
        artifactData - the data associated with the artifact at the given path
        comment - Comment associated with the change.
        attachments - attached file List
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when the specified object id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - when the user has insufficient privileges.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.VersionMismatchFault - when the object data is stale.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.IllegalArgumentFault - when the artifact data is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InconsistentFieldValueFault - when field hierarchy has been changed and the values are no longer valid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when an unexpected system error occurs.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.WorkflowViolationFault - when workflow rule is violated
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.DependencyViolationFault - when dependency rule is violated
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PlanningFolderRuleViolationFault - when planning folder rule is violated
      • createArtifact

        ArtifactSoapDO createArtifact(java.lang.String sessionId,
                                      java.lang.String trackerId,
                                      java.lang.String title,
                                      java.lang.String description,
                                      java.lang.String group,
                                      java.lang.String category,
                                      java.lang.String status,
                                      java.lang.String customer,
                                      int priority,
                                      int estimatedEffort,
                                      int remainingEffort,
                                      boolean autosumming,
                                      int points,
                                      java.lang.String assignedUsername,
                                      java.lang.String releaseId,
                                      java.lang.String planningFolderId,
                                      SoapFieldValues flexFields,
                                      java.lang.String attachmentFileName,
                                      java.lang.String attachmentMimeType,
                                      java.lang.String attachmentFileId)
                               throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Deprecated. in favor of createArtifact3
        Creates a new artifact.
        sessionId - User session id.
        trackerId - Tracker id.
        title - Artifact title.
        description - Artifact description.
        group - Artifact group.
        category - Artifact category.
        status - Artifact status.
        customer - Customer.
        priority - Artifact priority.
        estimatedEffort - Estimated effort to close artifact.
        remainingEffort - Remaining effort to close artifact.
        autosumming - Determines whether autosumming should be enabled for the newly created artifact.
        points - The story points for this artifact.
        assignedUsername - User this artifact should be assigned to.
        releaseId - Release this artifact is assigned with.
        planningFolderId - planning folder, this artifact belongs to
        flexFields - Flex field values.
        attachmentFileName - Name of the attached file (or null)
        attachmentMimeType - Mime type of the attached file (or null)
        attachmentFileId - ID of the attached file (previously uploaded via *FileStorage service) or null
        Newly created artifact object.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when the specified object id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - when the user has insufficient privileges.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.IllegalArgumentFault - when the artifact data is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InconsistentFieldValueFault - when field hierarchy has been changed and the values are no longer valid
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when an unexpected system error occurs.
      • createArtifact2

        ArtifactSoapDO createArtifact2(java.lang.String sessionId,
                                       java.lang.String trackerId,
                                       java.lang.String title,
                                       java.lang.String description,
                                       java.lang.String group,
                                       java.lang.String category,
                                       java.lang.String status,
                                       java.lang.String customer,
                                       int priority,
                                       int estimatedEffort,
                                       int remainingEffort,
                                       boolean autosumming,
                                       int points,
                                       java.lang.String assignedUsername,
                                       java.lang.String releaseId,
                                       java.lang.String planningFolderId,
                                       SoapFieldValues flexFields,
                                       AttachmentSoapDO[] attachments)
                                throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Deprecated. in favor of createArtifact3
        Creates a new artifact with multiple attachments.
        sessionId - User session id.
        trackerId - Tracker id.
        title - Artifact title.
        description - Artifact description.
        group - Artifact group.
        category - Artifact category.
        status - Artifact status.
        customer - Customer.
        priority - Artifact priority.
        estimatedEffort - Estimated effort to close artifact.
        remainingEffort - Remaining effort to close artifact.
        autosumming - Determines whether autosumming should be enabled for the newly created artifact.
        points - The story points for this artifact.
        assignedUsername - User this artifact should be assigned to.
        releaseId - Release this artifact is assigned with.
        planningFolderId - planning folder, this artifact belongs to
        flexFields - Flex field values.
        attachments - attached file List (or null)
        Newly created artifact object.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when the specified object id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - when the user has insufficient privileges.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.IllegalArgumentFault - when the artifact data is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InconsistentFieldValueFault - when field hierarchy has been changed and the values are no longer valid
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when an unexpected system error occurs.
      • createArtifact3

        Artifact2SoapDO createArtifact3(java.lang.String sessionId,
                                        java.lang.String trackerId,
                                        java.lang.String title,
                                        java.lang.String description,
                                        java.lang.String group,
                                        java.lang.String category,
                                        java.lang.String status,
                                        java.lang.String customer,
                                        int priority,
                                        int estimatedEffort,
                                        int remainingEffort,
                                        boolean autosumming,
                                        int points,
                                        boolean autoSummingPoints,
                                        java.lang.String assignedUsername,
                                        java.lang.String releaseId,
                                        java.lang.String planningFolderId,
                                        java.lang.String teamId,
                                        SoapFieldValues flexFields,
                                        AttachmentSoapDO[] attachments)
                                 throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Creates a new artifact with calculate the autosumming_point attachments.
        sessionId - User session id.
        trackerId - Tracker id.
        title - Artifact title.
        description - Artifact description.
        group - Artifact group.
        category - Artifact category.
        status - Artifact status.
        customer - Customer.
        priority - Artifact priority.
        estimatedEffort - Estimated effort to close artifact. This will be ignored if autosumming is set to true.
        remainingEffort - Remaining effort to close artifact. This will be ignored if autosumming is set to true.
        autosumming - Determines whether autosumming should be enabled for the newly created artifact.
        points - The story points for this artifact. This will be ignored if autoSummingPoints is set to true.
        autoSummingPoints - Determines whether autoSummingPoints should be enabled for the newly created artifact.
        assignedUsername - User this artifact should be assigned to.
        releaseId - Release this artifact is assigned with.
        planningFolderId - planning folder, this artifact belongs to
        teamId - team, this artifact belongs to
        flexFields - Flex field values.
        attachments - attached file List (or null)
        Newly created artifact object.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when the specified object id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - when the user has insufficient privileges.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.IllegalArgumentFault - when the artifact data is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InconsistentFieldValueFault - when field hierarchy has been changed and the values are no longer valid
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when an unexpected system error occurs.
      • moveArtifact

        ArtifactSoapDO moveArtifact(java.lang.String sessionId,
                                    java.lang.String artifactId,
                                    java.lang.String targetFolderId,
                                    java.lang.String newAssignee)
                             throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Deprecated. in favor of moveArtifact2
        Moves an artifact to a specified target folder.
        sessionId - User session id.
        artifactId - ID of artifact to move.
        targetFolderId - Target folder ID.
        newAssignee - The username to assign the newly moved artifact to.
        New artifact data object
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the sessionId is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - when permission is denied for the specified operation.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when the specified object is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when an unexpected system error occurs.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.IllegalArgumentFault - when an invalid argument is passed in.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PlanningFolderRuleViolationFault - when planning folder rule is violated
      • moveArtifact2

        Artifact2SoapDO moveArtifact2(java.lang.String sessionId,
                                      java.lang.String artifactId,
                                      java.lang.String targetFolderId,
                                      java.lang.String newAssignee)
                               throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Moves an artifact to a specified target folder.
        sessionId - User session id.
        artifactId - ID of artifact to move.
        targetFolderId - Target folder ID.
        newAssignee - The username to assign the newly moved artifact to.
        New artifact data object
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the sessionId is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - when permission is denied for the specified operation.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when the specified object is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when an unexpected system error occurs.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.IllegalArgumentFault - when an invalid argument is passed in.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PlanningFolderRuleViolationFault - when planning folder rule is violated
      • deleteArtifact

        void deleteArtifact(java.lang.String sessionId,
                            java.lang.String artifactId)
                     throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Deletes an artifact.
        sessionId - User session id.
        artifactId - Artifact id.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when the specified object id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - when the user has insufficient privileges.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when an unexpected system level error occurs.
      • getAllowedWorkflowTransitionList

        WorkflowTransitionSoapList getAllowedWorkflowTransitionList(java.lang.String sessionId,
                                                                    java.lang.String trackerId)
                                                             throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Gets workflow transitions for the tracker.
        Change History
        Version 4.4 SP 1
        • Added the missing [new artifact] transitions to the list
        • The returning list now will contain [new artifact] transition list with the following format [from value] [to value] null open null close null pending
        sessionId - User session id.
        trackerId - Tracker id.
        Workflow definitions list. For requiredFields property of workflow definition, following special field IDs are used (in addition to standard field definitions in ArtifactSoapDO): "comment", "attachment", "assignedTo", "priority".
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when the specified object id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when ...
      • copyWorkflowTransitions

        void copyWorkflowTransitions(java.lang.String sessionId,
                                     java.lang.String srcTrackerId,
                                     java.lang.String dstTrackerId)
                              throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Copies workflow transitions between two trackers. In order for this operation to succeed, the following conditions must be met: - caller needs to have tracker admin permission for both srTracker and destTracker - every transition req role in srcTracker must have corresponding role with the same name in dstTracker - every transition req field in srcTracker must have corresponding field with the same name in dstTracker or be a custom field name.
        sessionId - User session id.
        srcTrackerId - Tracker id.
        dstTrackerId - Tracker id.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when the specified object id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - when the user has insufficient privileges.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.WorkflowViolationFault - when the copy of workflow transition cannot be completed
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when an unexpected system level error occurs.
      • cloneTracker

        Tracker2SoapDO cloneTracker(java.lang.String sessionId,
                                    java.lang.String srcTrackerId,
                                    java.lang.String destTrackerTitle,
                                    java.lang.String destTrackerDescription)
                             throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Clone Tracker within the same project
        sessionId - User session id.
        srcTrackerId - Tracker id.
        destTrackerTitle - destination Tracker tile
        destTrackerDescription - destination Tracker description
        returns cloned Tracker
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when the specified object id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - when the user has insufficient privileges.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.ObjectAlreadyExistsFault - if an existing tracker already exists.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when an unexpected system level error occurs.
      • cloneTrackerAcrossProject

        Tracker2SoapDO cloneTrackerAcrossProject(java.lang.String sessionId,
                                                 java.lang.String srcTrackerId,
                                                 java.lang.String destProjectId,
                                                 java.lang.String destTrackerTitle,
                                                 java.lang.String destTrackerDescription)
                                          throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Clone Tracker across the project
        sessionId - User session id.
        srcTrackerId - Tracker id.
        destProjectId - on which project you need to create a tracker
        destTrackerTitle - destination tracker title
        destTrackerDescription - destination tracker description
        returns cloned tracker
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when the specified object id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - when the user has insufficient privileges.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.ObjectAlreadyExistsFault - if an existing tracker already exists.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when an unexpected system level error occurs.
      • createArtifactDependency

        void createArtifactDependency(java.lang.String sessionId,
                                      java.lang.String originId,
                                      java.lang.String targetId,
                                      java.lang.String desc)
                               throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Creates an artifact dependency between two artifacts. If an existing artifact dependency already exists, the descriptions are simply overridden.
        sessionId - User session id.
        originId - Origin artifact id.
        targetId - Target artifact id.
        desc - Description for the dependency.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when the specified object id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - when the user has insufficient privileges.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.WorkflowViolationFault - when the copy of workflow transition cannot be completed
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.DependencyViolationFault - when the creation of the dependency causes violation
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when an unexpected system level error occurs.
      • removeArtifactDependency

        void removeArtifactDependency(java.lang.String sessionId,
                                      java.lang.String originId,
                                      java.lang.String targetId)
                               throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Removes an artifact dependency between two artifacts.
        sessionId - User session id.
        originId - Origin artifact id.
        targetId - Target artifact id.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when the specified object id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - when the user has insufficient privileges.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.WorkflowViolationFault - when the copy of workflow transition cannot be completed
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.DependencyViolationFault - when the creation of the dependency causes violation
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when an unexpected system level error occurs.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchRelationshipFault - when ...
      • setArtifactRank

        void setArtifactRank(java.lang.String sessionId,
                             java.lang.String planningFolderId,
                             java.lang.String artfToRankId,
                             java.lang.String artfBeforeId,
                             java.lang.String artfAfterId)
                      throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Sets the rank of an artifact relative to one or more other artifacts, in the context of a specific planning folder. If two artifacts are specified for artfBeforeId and artfAfterId, then the moved artifact is placed between them. If only artfBeforeId is specified, the moved artifact is placed after it; if only artfAfterId, the moved artifact is moved before it.

        The ranking will be invalid if it doesn't respect certain rules:

        - artifacts cannot be ranked relative to other artifacts unless at least one of the following is true:

        1. they are children of the same parent
        2. they appear at the top level in the planning folder view, i.e. do not have a parent in the specified planning folder.

        - all specified artifacts must belong to the same project as the specified planning folder.

        As of TeamForge 5.4, this operation requires the Planning Folder Admin permission; edit permission on the trackers involved is not sufficient. In the future, a distinct role permission for rank operations may be defined.

        sessionId - User session id.
        planningFolderId - the id of the planning folder in which we are doing the rank
        artfToRankId - the artifact to rank
        artfBeforeId - the artifact that should be before it
        artfAfterId - the artifact that should be after it
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when one of the specified object id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.IllegalArgumentFault - when the specified id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - when the user has insufficient privileges.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when an unexpected system level error occurs.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidRankFault - when the requested rank operation is invalid
      • getChildDependencyList

        ArtifactDependencySoapList getChildDependencyList(java.lang.String sessionId,
                                                          java.lang.String artifactId)
                                                   throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Gets the dependency list for an artifact where the artifact is the origin artifact.
        sessionId - User session id.
        artifactId - Artifact id.
        dependency list
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when the specified object id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - when the user has insufficient privileges.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.WorkflowViolationFault - when the copy of workflow transition cannot be completed
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when an unexpected system level error occurs.
      • getParentDependencyList

        ArtifactDependencySoapList getParentDependencyList(java.lang.String sessionId,
                                                           java.lang.String artifactId)
                                                    throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Gets the dependency list for an artifact where the artifact is the target artifact. While in 5.3, an artifact can only have a single parent, that can be changed in future releases.
        sessionId - User session id.
        artifactId - Artifact id.
        dependency list
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - when the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - when the specified object id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - when the user has insufficient privileges.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.WorkflowViolationFault - when the copy of workflow transition cannot be completed
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - when an unexpected system level error occurs.
      • reorderTrackers

        void reorderTrackers(java.lang.String sessionId,
                             java.lang.String[] trackerIds)
                      throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Sets a new order of the trackers within a project. The trackers will be listed in this new order in UI and in the methods that list the trackers in the SOAP calls.
        sessionId - User session id.
        trackerIds - An array of the tracker ids in their new order. All the tracker ids must belong to the same project
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - When the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - When any of the specified object id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - When the user has insufficient privileges.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - When an unexpected system level error occurs.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.IllegalArgumentFault - If invalid argument value is passed.
      • getUnitsByProject

        TrackerUnitSoapList getUnitsByProject(java.lang.String sessionId,
                                              java.lang.String projectId)
                                       throws java.rmi.RemoteException
        Gets the units for a given project.
        sessionId - User session id.
        projectId - The id of the project to retrieve the units
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - When the specified session id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - When any of the specified object id is invalid.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - When the user has insufficient privileges.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - When an unexpected system level error occurs.
        com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.IllegalArgumentFault - If invalid argument value is passed.