Troubleshooting: VMware installer failed to install new TeamForge version

When your TeamForge 8.1 upgrade process on VMware fails during the installation phase, something may be blocking the installer or the data migration utility from running TeamForge from your VMware Player. Try these manual steps to recover.

Execute these steps from a command line terminal inside the VMware Player.
  1. Ensure that the collabnet- file is available in the /etc/yum.repos.d
  2. Install the TeamForge application packages.
    • yum install teamforge collabnet-binary
  3. Create the runtime environment.
    • cd /opt/collabnet/teamforge-installer/
    • ./ -r -I -n -V -d /opt/collabnet/teamforge -F
  4. Run the data migration utility.
    Tip: Before you kick off the data migration, you must identify if any of the trackers in your project already contains a field with the name team because if it does, conflict may arise while running the script. This is because of the inclusion of the Team feature in TeamForge 8.0. To identify and modify the existing team name, follow the steps given in FAQ on troubleshooting.
    • /opt/collabnet/teamforge/runtime/scripts/
  5. Start TeamForge.
    • /etc/init.d/collabnet start