Upgrade to CollabNet TeamForge 8.1 on a virtual machine

You can upgrade to CollabNet TeamForge 8.1 from a VMware installation of CollabNet TeamForge 8.0.

  • To upgrade from any version earlier than 8.0 (including CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise 5.x or any version of SourceForge Enterprise Edition), first upgrade your site to TeamForge 8.0 and start it up. Then follow these steps for upgrading to CollabNet TeamForge 8.1
  • When you upgrade to TeamForge 8.1, the VMware updater automatically upgrades your site to the latest patch release, if available.
For basic installation and configuration on VMware, see these instructions:
  1. On the computer where your previous version of TeamForge is running, open a command prompt and log onto the machine as an administrator.
    Note: Type N when prompted to start the TeamForge configuration tool.
  2. Get the VMware updater for TeamForge 8.1 from your CollabNet Support representative and unzip it in the /tmp directory.
    • unzip updater-teamforge-vmware-
  3. Back up your TeamForge 8.0 site. See Back up CollabNet TeamForge data for instructions.
  4. Review the key configuration variables for your TeamForge site. The configuration file is at /opt/collabnet/teamforge/runtime/conf/runtime-options.conf. Note these key variables and their values:
  5. Run the upgrade utility.
    • cd updater-teamforge-vmware-
    • ./updater-8_0-8_1.sh
    The upgrade can take several minutes to complete, depending on system resources.
    Important: Type Y when prompted.

Configure the CLI Jobs Linked Application's URL

Important: Configure the CLI Jobs linked application's URL only if the site option token HOST_localhost is configured as "localhost" in the site-options.conf file.

  1. After logging on to TeamForge, click the Projects tab.
  2. Click the Look project.
  3. Click PROJECT ADMIN in the project navigation bar.
  4. Click Project Toolbar from the Project Admin Menu.
  5. Select the Linked Applications tab.
  6. Select the CLI Jobs linked application's check box and click Edit.
  7. Modify the URL: Replace the "localhost" with the hostname or IP address of the computer that hosts the TeamForge application.
  8. Click Save.