Upgrade to TeamForge 8.1 - Database and SCM on separate servers

In this procedure, we'll assume that you are upgrading on the same server where your existing TeamForge 8.0 site is running.

In this option, the following services run on the application server (we call this my.app.host). The following service runs on the database server (we call this my.db.host) The following services run of the SCM server (we call this my.scmandgit.host).
Note: For the ETL service to run as expected in a distributed TeamForge installation, all servers must have the same time zone.

Log on to the server as root user always.

Do the following on the application server - my.app.host

  1. Uninstall the TeamForge CLI add-on.
    • cd /opt/collabnet/teamforge/add-ons/teamforge_cli_server
    • ./install --uninstall
    • zypper remove teamforge_cli_server
  2. Stop TeamForge.
    • /etc/init.d/collabnet stop
  3. Back up the file system data.
    Tip: /tmp/backup_dir is just an example. You can use any directory or partition you prefer to store your backup files.
    1. Make an archive file with the following data directories:
      Directory Contents
      /opt/collabnet/teamforge/var User-created data, such as artifact attachments
      /sf-svnroot Subversion repository for branding data
      • mkdir -p /tmp/backup_dir
      • cp -Rpfv /sf-svnroot /opt/collabnet/teamforge/var /tmp/backup_dir
    2. Back up your SSH keys, if any.
    3. Back up your SSL certificates and keys, if any.
  4. If you have Review Board integrated, make a dump file of your Review Board data.
    1. Create a /backups directory in /var/lib/pgsql/ and change ownership to postgres.
      • cd /var/lib/pgsql/
      • mkdir backups
      • chown -R postgres:postgres backups
    2. Make a dump file of your Review Board data.
      • su - postgres
      • /usr/bin/pg_dumpall > /var/lib/pgsql/backups/rb_data_backup.dmp -l ctfrbdb
      • exit

Do this on the database server - my.db.host

  1. Back up your site database.
    Tip: /tmp/backup_dir is just an example. You can use any directory or partition you prefer to store your backup files.
    1. Create a /backups directory in /var/lib/pgsql/ and change ownership to postgres.
      • cd /var/lib/pgsql/
      • mkdir backups
      • chown -R postgres:postgres backups
    2. Make a dump file of your site database. You have to do a PostgreSQL dump because we are upgrading the PostgreSQL application as part of this upgrade.
      • su - postgres
      • /usr/bin/pg_dumpall > /var/lib/pgsql/backups/teamforge_data_backup.dmp
      • exit
      If your reporting database is running on a separate port, backup your reporting database as well.
      • /usr/bin/pg_dumpall -p <reports_database_port> > /var/lib/pgsql/backups/teamforge_reporting_data_backup.dmp
      • exit
      Copy the database backup to the backup directory.
      • mkdir -p /tmp/backup_dir
      • cp /var/lib/pgsql/backups/teamforge_data_backup.dmp /tmp/backup_dir/
      If your reporting database is running on a separate port, copy your reporting database dump as well.
      • cp /var/lib/pgsql/backups/teamforge_reporting_data_backup.dmp /tmp/backup_dir/

Do this on the application server - my.app.host

  1. Configure your TeamForge 8.1 installation repository. See TeamForge installation repository configuration for SUSE.
  2. Install the following application packages.
    1. TeamForge: To install the TeamForge application packages run the following command:
      • zypper install teamforge collabnet-binary
    2. Black Duck Code Sight: To install the Black Duck Code Sight packages run the following command:
      • zypper install teamforge-codesearch
  3. In the site-options.conf file, make sure you do the following.
    Note: Back up your site-options.conf file before making any changes.
    • vi /opt/collabnet/teamforge-installer/
    1. Update the host name and domain name, if required.
      HOST_localhost=app etl indexer
      HOST_my.db.domain.com=database datamart 
      HOST_my.scmandgit.domain.com=subversion cvs gerrit
      Add 'codesearch' to the HOST_localhost token if you are installing Black Duck Code Sight.
      HOST_my.localhost=app etl indexer codesearch
    2. Turn on the SSL for your site by editing the relevant variables in the site-options.conf file. To generate the SSL certificates, see Generate SSL certificates.
      • SSL=on
      • SSL_KEY_FILE
      Note: The SSL_CERT_FILE and SSL_KEY_FILE tokens need an absolute path. The SSL_CHAIN_FILE token is optional.
    3. If your site is running in SSL mode (SSL=on), add the following java runtime property to the JBOSS_JAVA_OPTS token.
      JBOSS_JAVA_OPTS=-Xms1536m -Xmx1536m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -server -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/tmp -verbose:gc -XX:+
      PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+PrintGCDetails -Djsse.enableSNIExtension=false -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=600000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=600000
    4. If the token REQUIRE_PASSWORD_SECURITY is enabled, then set a value for the token, PASSWORD_CONTROL_EFFECTIVE_DATE.
      The Password Control Kit (PCK) disables, deletes or expires user accounts that don't meet the password security requirements starting from the date set for the PASSWORD_CONTROL_EFFECTIVE_DATE token. If a date is not set, the PCK disables, deletes or expires user accounts immediately. See PASSWORD_CONTROL_EFFECTIVE_DATE for more information.
    5. TeamForge 7.1 and later support automatic password creation. See AUTO_DATA for more information.
    6. Password obfuscation

      The password obfuscation is enabled by default. As a result, all password-related tokens are encrypted in all the TeamForge configuration files.

      Restriction: The password-related tokens cannot contain the following characters in the site-options.conf file: $<>/\'"`
      • To disable password obfuscation, set OBFUSCATION_ENABLED=false.
      • To configure the obfuscation key, set OBFUSCATION_KEY=<Any AlphaNumeric value with length >= 8 bytes>. The default value of OBFUSCATION_KEY token is XSJt43wN.
    7. Ensure to set the token DEDICATED_INSTALL=true.
    8. Include the list of non-expiring TeamForge user accounts (password never expires).
    9. Make sure that the following tokens have a value if ETL is enabled.
    10. Configure Black Duck Code Sight tokens. See Black Duck Code Sight site-option tokens.
    11. To enable the history protection feature of TeamForge Git integration, set the GERRIT_FORCE_HISTORY_PROTECTION=true. For more information, see GERRIT_FORCE_HISTORY_PROTECTION.
    12. If you have LDAP set up for external authentication, you must set the “REQUIRE_USER_PASSWORD_CHANGE” site options token to false.
    13. Important: This step is required if you want Git notification emails.
      Update the JAMES_ACCEPTED_RELAYS site-options token with the Git server's IP address. See JAMES_ACCEPTED_RELAYS for more information.
      JAMES_ACCEPTED_RELAYS=,{__CEE_DOMAIN__},<The IP address of the Git server>
    14. Save the site-options.conf file.
  4. As JDK is upgraded to 1.8.0_45, move the existing runtime directory before create-runtime.
    • cd /opt/collabnet/teamforge/
    • mv runtime/ runtime_old
  5. Run the install_jdk_suse.sh script.
    • cd /opt/collabnet/teamforge-installer/
    • ./install_jdk_suse.sh
  6. Recreate the runtime environment.
    • cd /opt/collabnet/teamforge-installer/
    • ./install.sh -r -I -V
  7. Important: Do this if you have updated the JAMES_ACCEPTED_RELAYS token with the Git server's IP address.
    Edit the /opt/collabnet/teamforge/runtime/james/apps/james/SAR-INF/config.xml file and comment out the <authorizedAddresses> node. For example:
    <!--  <authorizedAddresses></authorizedAddresses>   -->
  8. Restore the Review Board data.
    • su - postgres
    • /usr/bin/pg_dumpall < /var/lib/pgsql/backups/rb_data_backup.dmp
    • exit
  9. Recreate the runtime environment.
    • cd /opt/collabnet/teamforge-installer/
    • ./install.sh -r -I -V
  10. Update the file permissions on your site's data.
    • /opt/collabnet/teamforge/runtime/scripts/fix_data_permissions.sh
    Note: This process can take a long time for sites with a lot of data.

Do the following on the database server - my.db.host

  1. Configure your TeamForge 8.1 installation repository. See TeamForge installation repository configuration for SUSE.
  2. If the PostgreSQL database is running locally, stop the PostgreSQL service.
    • /etc/init.d/postgresql stop
  3. Install the TeamForge database packages.
    • zypper install teamforge-database
  4. Copy the site-options.conf file from my.app.host and modify the token settings.
    Note: If you choose to use the old site-options.conf file, don’t forget to copy the AUTO_DATA token from the application server.
    1. Set the following tokens.
      HOST_my.db.host=database datamart
      HOST_my.app.domain.com=app etl indexer
      HOST_my.scmandgit.domain.com=subversion cvs gerrit
    2. Save the site-options.conf file.
  5. As JDK is upgraded to 1.8.0_45, move the existing runtime directory before create-runtime.
    • cd /opt/collabnet/teamforge/
    • mv runtime/ runtime_old
  6. Run the install_jdk_suse.sh script.
    • cd /opt/collabnet/teamforge-installer/
    • ./install_jdk_suse.sh
  7. Recreate the runtime environment.
    • cd /opt/collabnet/teamforge-installer/
    • ./install.sh -r -I -V
  8. Restore your site data.
    1. Reload the PostgreSQL data.
      • su - postgres
      • /usr/bin/psql < /tmp/dbbackup_dir/teamforge_data_backup.dmp
      • exit
      Note: If your reporting database is running on a separate port, restore that data too.
      • su - postgres
      • /usr/bin/psql -p <reports_database_port> < /tmp/dbbackup_dir/teamforge_reporting_data_backup.dmp
      • exit
  9. Recreate the runtime environment.
    • cd /opt/collabnet/teamforge-installer/
    • ./install.sh -r -I -V

Do this on application server - my.app.host

  1. Convert your site data to work with TeamForge 8.1.
    Tip: Before you kick off the data migration, do the following:
    • Use the /etc/init.d/collabnet status command to make sure the JBoss, Tomcat and Tomcatcs services are stopped.
    • If any of the trackers in your project already contains a field with the name team, conflict may arise while running the migrate.py script. This is because of the inclusion of the Team feature in TeamForge 8.0. To prevent this conflict, follow the steps given in FAQ on troubleshooting.
    • /opt/collabnet/teamforge/runtime/scripts/migrate.py
    The migrate.py script locates the existing site data and modifies it as needed.

    This includes configuration data for LDAP and the James mail server. Any modifications that you have applied to these components on your old site are reproduced on your upgraded TeamForge 8.1 site.

  2. Start TeamForge.
    • /etc/init.d/collabnet start
  3. If you have CVS integrations, synchronize permissions post upgrade. See, Synchronize TeamForge source control integrations.
  4. Run the TeamForge post installation script. For more information, see post-install.py.
    • /opt/collabnet/teamforge/runtime/scripts/post-install.py
    Note: In case you face any GIT-related issues while running the post-install.py script, see Post install fails for GIT. What should I do?.
  5. Important: This step is required if and only if you have reporting enabled and are upgrading to TeamForge 8.1.
    If you have reporting enabled, it is more likely that you would have run initial load jobs and set up incremental load jobs on your site. See etl-client.py for more information on initial and incremental load jobs. TeamForge 8.1 and later have custom-defined tracker fields included in the datamart.
    1. Run the following commands assuming you have tracker incremental load job set up on your site and that you just want to have your datamart loaded with prospective updates to custom-defined tracker fields. Your incremental load job would fail if the following commands are not run.
      • cd /opt/collabnet/teamforge/runtime/scripts
      • ./etl-client.py –a
      • ./etl-client.py –r LoadFlexFields
      Going forward, the tracker incremental load job loads all prospective changes to custom-defined tracker fields to your datamart.
    2. On the other hand, you can bootstrap your datamart and manually run the initial load jobs again, so that your datamart is loaded with data from historical custom-defined tracker fields, while at the same time is ready for prospective updates as well.
      However, keep in mind you are bootstrapping your datamart (reporting DB) and you may have to run the tracker initial load job anyway, which may take a while to complete depending on your volume of data during which your reporting would not be available. You may also lose all the data related to UserLoggedInActivity. Run the following commands if you understand the situation at hand.
      • /etc/init.d/collabnet stop
      • /opt/collabnet/teamforge/runtime/scripts/bootstrap-reporting-data.py
      • /etc/init.d/collabnet start
      • /opt/collabnet/teamforge/runtime/scripts/etl-client.py –r SCMCommitActivityJob
      • /opt/collabnet/teamforge/runtime/scripts/etl-client.py –r TrackerInitialJob
  6. Install the Black Duck Code Sight license on the server where Black Duck Code Sight is installed. For more information see these instructions.
  7. Run the svn_cache.sh script.
    • cd /opt/collabnet/teamforge/runtime/scripts/codesearch/
    • ./svn_cache.sh <Repository Base URL Path of the SCM Integration Server>

    Provide a repository base URL path of the SCM integration server, for example, "http://myint.box.net/svn/repos", where myint.box is the server with the SCM integration server.

    In addition, if you add a new integration server at some point later, you must run this svn_cache.sh script, (after creating the new integration server), on the TeamForge application server.

Do the following on the SCM server - my.scmandgit.host

If your TeamForge setup includes source control running on its own server, you'll have to upgrade that server as well as the main TeamForge application server.

  1. Stop TeamForge.
    • /etc/init.d/apache2 stop
    • /etc/init.d/collabnet stop tomcat
  2. Back up your SCM data.
    Tip: /tmp in the following step is just an example. You can use any directory or partition that you prefer.
    1. Make an archive with the following data directories.
      Directory Contents
      /svnroot Subversion source code repositories
      /cvsroot CVS source code repositories (not present in all sites)
      /gitroot Git source code repositories
      • mkdir -p /tmp/scmbackup_dir/gerrit
      • cp -Rpfv /svnroot /cvsroot /tmp/scmbackup_dir
    2. Back up your Git database and make a dump of your Git database. You have to do a PostgreSQL dump because we are upgrading the PostgreSQL application as part of this upgrade.
      • su - postgres
      • /usr/bin/pg_dumpall > /var/lib/pgsql/backups/git_data_backup.dmp
      • exit
      Copy the database backup to the backup directory.
      • cp /var/lib/pgsql/backups/git_data_backup.dmp /tmp/scmbackup_dir/gerrit
      • cp -Rpfv /gitroot /tmp/scmbackup_dir/gerrit
      • cp -Rpfv /opt/collabnet/gerrit/etc /opt/collabnet/gerrit/.ssh /tmp/scmbackup_dir/gerrit
    3. Back up your SSH keys, if any.
    4. Back up your SSL certificates and keys, if any.
  3. Configure your TeamForge 8.1 installation repository. See TeamForge installation repository configuration for SUSE.
  4. If Git is enabled and the PostgreSQL database is running locally:
    1. Stop the PostgreSQL service.
      • /etc/init.d/postgresql stop
  5. Install the following application packages.
    1. Install the source code component.
      • zypper install teamforge-scm
    2. To install the Git packages, run the following command.
      • zypper install teamforge-git
  6. Copy the master site-options.conf file from my.app.host and modify the host token settings in the site-options.conf file.
    Note: If you choose to use the old site-options.conf file, don’t forget to copy the AUTO_DATA token from the application server.
    HOST_my.scmandgit.host=subversion cvs gerrit
    HOST_my.app.domain.com=app etl indexer codesearch
    HOST_my.db.domain.com=database datamart
  7. Save the site-options.conf file.
  8. As JDK is upgraded to 1.8.0_45, move the existing runtime directory before create-runtime.
    • cd /opt/collabnet/teamforge/
    • mv runtime/ runtime_old
  9. Run the install_jdk_suse.sh script.
    • cd /opt/collabnet/teamforge-installer/
    • ./install_jdk_suse.sh
  10. Recreate the runtime environment.
    • cd /opt/collabnet/teamforge-installer/
    • ./install.sh -r -I -V
  11. Restore your Git data (if Git is enabled).
    1. Reload the PostgreSQL data.
      • su - postgres
      • /usr/bin/psql < /tmp/scmbackup_dir/git_data_backup.dmp
      • exit
  12. Recreate the runtime environment.
    • cd /opt/collabnet/teamforge-installer/
    • ./install.sh -r -I -V
  13. Update the file permissions on your site's data.
    • /opt/collabnet/teamforge/runtime/scripts/fix_data_permissions.sh
    Note: This process can take a long time for sites with a lot of data.
  14. Start TeamForge.
    • /etc/init.d/collabnet start
  15. Run the TeamForge post installation script. For more information, see post-install.py.
    • /opt/collabnet/teamforge/runtime/scripts/post-install.py
    Note: In case you face any GIT-related issues while running the post-install.py script, see Post install fails for GIT. What should I do?.
  16. Important: This step is required if you want Git notification emails.
    Edit the /opt/collabnet/gerrit/etc/gerrit.config file and update the 'smtpServer' property with the TeamForge application server's host name. For example:
                  smtpServer = <TeamForge application server host name>
    1. Restart gerrit.
      • /etc/init.d/collabnet stop gerrit
      • /etc/init.d/collabnet start gerrit
  17. Apply the finishing touches and make sure everything is running smoothly after upgrading to TeamForge 8.1.
    Important: Do not delete the teamforge-installer/ directory. You will need it for future maintenance and upgrades.
    1. Log into your site as the administrator.
    2. If your site has custom branding, verify that your branding changes still work as intended. See Customize anything on your site.
    3. Let your site's users know they've been upgraded. See Communicate with all site users at once.
  18. Remove the backup files, if any, after the TeamForge site is up and running as expected. Remove the repository and the file system backup from the /tmp/backup_dir directory.
Note: After upgrade, it takes some time for the publishing repositories to get created for projects imported from other TeamForge sites.
  • ETL initial load jobs: To run ETL initial load jobs, see ETL initial load jobs.
  • Review Board in SUSE: Review Board 2.0.11 is not compatible with SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2. You must continue to use Review Board 1.7.17 if you are upgrading from TeamForge 7.2 (or earlier) to 8.0 or later on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2. In other words, you do not have to upgrade Review Board if you are upgrading from TeamForge 7.2 (or later) to 8.0 or later on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2.
    Important: However, as JDK is upgraded in TeamForge 8.0 and later, you must run the install.py script to update the JDK version in /etc/reviewboard.properties file. Refer to the following steps.
    1. Run the grep command to get the encrypted password.
      • grep SCM_USER_ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD /opt/collabnet/teamforge/runtime/conf/runtime-options.conf
    2. Use the password_util.sh script to decrypt the scmviewer password.
      • /opt/collabnet/teamforge/runtime/scripts/password_util.sh -decrypt '<value of SCM_USER_ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD>'
    3. Run the install.py script available in the Review Board installer directory.
      • cd /var/ops/RBInstaller-
      • python ./install.py -i -r --auth-scmuser

    See Upgrade to Review Board 1.7.17 if you want to upgrade from older versions of Review Board to Review Board 1.7.17.

  • Orchestrate: To install TeamForge Orchestrate, see TeamForge Orchestrate installation.
  • Configure X-Frame-Options: Setting the X-Frame-Options header to ALLOW-FROM http://forge.collab.net overrides the default Jenkins configuration header settings and displays the page in an iframe on the specified origin. For more infomration, see Unable to embed Jenkins page into an iframe. How to fix it?.