Customize the home page of your site

To change the content of your site's main page, replace the home.vm file or add either domain_home.html or DomainHome.html.html file to the html folder in the branding repository.

Note: For the general steps for changing the look and feel of a page, see Customize anything on your site.
The \branding\templates\sfmain\home.vm template controls the look, feel and structure of the standard home page. The default version allows users to log in and sign up for new user accounts, if CollabNet TeamForge is configured to allow user self-creation.
If the DomainHome.html.html or domain_home.html file is checked into the branding repository, the contents of the file are displayed as the site home page.
Tip: If both DomainHome.html.html and domain_home.html files exist in the repository, the contents of the DomainHome.html.html are displayed.
Edit the home.vm template to produce the page you want. You can change these objects on the site home page:
Object Description
siteNews The html block that shows site news. The html block itself is not customizable.
Note: By uncommenting this object and commenting out "communityNews" object, site news can be displayed across all projects in the site.
communityNews The html block that shows community news.
Note: By uncommenting this object, and commenting out "siteNews" object, community news (news from the look project) can be displayed across all projects in the site.
mostActiveProjects The html block that shows the most active projects. The html block itself is not customizable.
displayActivityGraph A flag that indicates that the activity graph should be displayed.
displayTeamForgeLinks A flag that indicates that CollabNet TeamForge quick links should be displayed.