Task fields synchronized with Microsoft Project

Microsoft Project allows users to track data using a large number of fields. Many of these fields map directly to fields used by TeamForge .


Data in the mapped fields is retained when synchronizing task data between Microsoft Project and CollabNet TeamForge . Some fields, however, are unique to either TeamForge or Microsoft Project. Data in these fields is not synchronized.

Fields that are fully retained

The following TeamForge and Microsoft Project fields are fully synchronized when using the TeamForge Task Manager Add-in for Microsoft Project.

Note: The values in all other Microsoft Project fields are retained in the Microsoft Project plan, but are not synchronized with TeamForge .
Microsoft Project field CollabNet TeamForge field
Name Name
Description Description
Priority 1 Priority
Start Start Date
Finish End Date
Resource Name Assigned To
Number19 Estimated Hours (Work / 60 minutes) 2
Number20 Actual Hours (Actual Work / 60 minutes)
Text19 Status (Colored icon) 3
% Complete Status (Colored icon)
Predecessors and Successors Predecessor and successor dependencies
Text16, Text17, Text18 Accomplishments, Planned, Issues 4
  • Task dependencies are also fully retained.
  • Microsoft Project and TeamForge fields that are not listed in this section are not retained when synchronizing task data.
  • The following fields are used by the synchronization process. Do not edit these fields.
    • Text22
    • Text25
    • Text30
1 When synchronizing task data between Microsoft Project and CollabNet TeamForge , priority values are mapped as follows. Priority values (in parentheses) entered in Microsoft Project are rounded when synchronizing.
2 To export hours data to CollabNet TeamForge , you first must add and populate these fields in Microsoft Project. You also must add these fields manually in Microsoft Project to view any hours data that is imported from CollabNet TeamForge . Any decimal values entered in these fields are rounded to integers when synchronizing.
3 If the Microsoft Project Actual Hours value or the % Complete value is greater than 0, then the CollabNet TeamForge status is set to "OK." If the % Complete value is 100%, then the CollabNet TeamForge status is set to "Complete." Otherwise the CollabNet TeamForge status is set to "Not Started." Status values entered in CollabNet TeamForge can be reflected in Microsoft Project when synchronizing. You must add the field Text19 manually to view status values in Microsoft Project.
4 Accomplishments, planned, and issues values entered in CollabNet TeamForge can be reflected in Microsoft Project when synchronizing. You must add the fields Text16, Text17, and Text18 manually to view status values in Microsoft Project.