What is a Publishing repository? How does it work?
Publishing repository, like the branding repository, is one of the default repositories that's created automatically when a TeamForge project is created and is intended to contain publicly-consumable files.
Is the CollabNet TeamForge SOAP API backward-compatible?
The CollabNet TeamForge Enterprise Edition 5.x and CollabNet TeamForge Enterprise 6.x APIs (including Service Pack updates) are fully compatible with CollabNetTeamForge.
What can I do with the SOAP API?
You can use the TeamForge SOAP API to do almost anything a user can do in the TeamForge web user interface.
How do I require approval for new user accounts?
You can configure the system so that new users can create their own accounts, but the accounts are not activated until a site admin approves them.
How does TeamForge automatically sum up effort estimates?
As you refine your agile project plan, you break down user stories into smaller stories, and eventually into tasks. TeamForge can watch the changing effort estimates all the way down the hierarchy, and give you a running total for each parent artifact and all its children.
How does TeamForge support dynamic planning? TeamForge helps you maximize your team's effectiveness by keeping you in close touch with the multiple moving targets facing your project.
How do you measure "effort?"
Effort is a uniform span of time for measuring work on your product. Defining the unit of effort is an essential part of planning your work.
Why is TeamForge Explorer forgetting my settings and not logging me in?
Certain conditions can cause TeamForge Explorer to stop functioning properly and to start behaving oddly. This can manifest itself as the app not logging you into TeamForge, or forgetting your settings, or other general strange behavior.
Can I associate objects of different projects?
Yes, you can associate an object (for example from document to subversion commit) in one project to an object in another project if you have access or are a Site Admin.
How do I enable/disable path-based permissions via SOAP?
The Path Based Permissions (PBP) are handled via the *roleList, *Cluster methods of rbacAppSoap. To enable PBP, use the "scm_fgp" (fine grained permissions) argument to addCluster.
How do I put a notice to my users on the project home page?
To do this you will need to create a news item within the project. News items are posted and displayed on the project home page. News items are also displayed on the TeamForge home page.
What is the suggested log configuration for a production system?
To troubleshoot installation issues, the default log4j configuration is set to DEBUG. This can cause the log files to become quite large. Once your system is successfully installed and in use, you should drop the log levels down to INFO.
How do I remove a news item?
You can delete any news item that you no longer want displayed on the project home page. Deleting a news item from a project also deletes it from the TeamForge home page.
Can I query the CollabNet TeamForge database?
Yes, you can query the database if you are a site administrator or have been given access to System Tools by another site administrator. You can raise a database query by using the Admin > System Tools > Ad Hoc Database Query page.
How do I capture the output of "top" command?
Top is the realtime monitor of the running processes in a Linux system. To log the top running processes, use the following command: top -b -n 1.
How do I use the TeamForge updater to manage backups of old versions of TeamForge?
You can safely delete the items in your <sourceforge_base_install_directory>/sourceforge_home/backups as long as you are comfortable with your version of TeamForge , and have no desire to go back. This directory may also be safely omitted from your backup plan.
How do I resolve timeouts when calling web services?
This is due to the requested operation taking longer then your client SOAP stack is configured to wait before throwing a timeout. You will need to reference your client documentation to see how to update the timeout properties of the connection.
Locales and Languages in TeamForge
TeamForge supports English locale only. No support for Chinese Korean and Japanese (CJK) locales with TeamForge 17.1 and later.