New features in CollabNet TeamForge 16.7

TeamForge 16.7 has a lot of new features including a few performance improvement enhancements. Here's a list of a few release-defining new features in TeamForge 16.7.

Activity Stream in TeamForge project contexts

EventQ Activity Stream now comes in handy as a scrollable sliding panel anchored to the right side of the browser from within the TeamForge project context. You can now view the Activity Stream on demand by clicking the Activity Stream icon in the TeamForge header bar (only available in a project context).
The Activity Stream includes events from:
  • Tracker
  • Source Code (Git and Subversion)
  • Pull Request and Gerrit code reviews
  • All configured EventQ activity sources (for example, Jenkins, JIRA®, Chef, Nexus, Artifactory, Testlink, Reviewboard, and so on)
Activities listed in the activity stream can be explored further by clicking the links available with the activity entries.
You will see a notification in your Activity Stream when new activities occur. Click the notification to view new activities.
Note: Users must have the EventQ PIPELINE READ permission to access the Activity Stream.
For more information, see Activity Stream.

JIRA/Jenkins adapter

JIRA adapter
  • New "Sync Issues" functionality helps to bootstrap JIRA issue data into the TeamForge data store for immediate association creation. For more information, see Configure a JIRA adapter.
  • Various bug fixes.

Jenkins adapter

In addition to various bug fixes, TeamForge Associations Viewer has been embedded in Jenkins

Orchestrate is now EventQ

Orchestrate has been renamed as EventQ.

New license model

The TeamForge license model is being revamped. In addition to the existing license types such as ALM and SCM, TeamForge now supports two new license types: DevOps and Version Control. The following table lists various TeamForge license types and the tools that go with them.
License type Available tools
ALM Full range of ALM tools and features
SCM Core Source Code Management tools and features
Version Control Source Code Management, FRS and Review tools and features
DevOps Package Management (Application & Environment) and FRS tools and features

The new license model supports more flexible and granular tool instantiation. While TeamForge supports more selective tool options with these new license changes, there's no impact on customers, both new and existing, requiring all the tools that TeamForge supports. In addition, this licensing change supports competitive pricing models.

For more information on how the new license model works and impacts on reporting, see


Import tracker artifact

You can now import artifacts into TeamForge using the Excel/CSV import function. Artifacts can be imported from both Excel and CSV files.

For more information, see Import tracker artifacts.

OAuth and REST API

TeamForge now uses OAuth access tokens.
  • All authentication inside TeamForge now uses OAuth access token.
  • TeamForge also acts as an IDP by providing the access tokens.
  • TeamForge supports jsessionid grant and the basic auth (userid/password) based grant. What this means is that you can use these to get an access token.
  • All SOAP and REST calls now get and use access tokens.
  • One of the advantages with using OAuth OpenID connect is the access token and it can be used to verify authenticity without having to go back to the provider. For more information, see OpenID Connect.
TeamForge now supports REST APIs. Foundation TeamForge REST APIs have been added in TeamForge 16.7, which include:
  • Project Group Membership
  • Project Groups
  • Project Membership
  • Projects
  • Role Membership
  • Roles
  • Server
  • User Group Membership
  • User Groups
  • Users
For more information, see TeamForge's online API Documentation.

"Assigned To" improvements

The Assigned To field is now configurable (Project Admin > Tracker Settings). You can now have the Assigned To field configured to list all users with tracker edit permission or filter users based on one or more roles from within the TeamForge project context. Configuring the Assigned To field to filter users by one or more roles improves the overall performance.

In addition, reassigning artifacts can now be done in no time with the new Assigned To widget equipped with smart search function. Use the links under the "Assigned To" field to quickly unassign the artifact to "None", reassign the artifact to yourself or to the previous assignee.

You can click the "Re-assign" icon to search as you type (smart search) and reassign the artifact to any other user.


  • Artifactory Pro

    TeamForge 16.7 supports integration with JFrog Artifactory Pro 4.7 or later, an open source repository manager for binary artifacts. By default, TeamForge 16.7 installer installs a binary application (referred to as the 'binary app' hereinafter), which is essentially a launching pad for all binary integrated applications such as Nexus and Artifactory. Once this binary app is installed as part of TeamForge 16.7 installation, you can integrate your Nexus or Artifactory servers and repositories with TeamForge.

    Though the binary app is installed by default with TeamForge 16.7, you can change the value of the site option token, BINARY_SETUP_TYPE, to skip binary app installation altogether. You can also have this token configured to have the binary app rolled out for all projects (both existing and new projects to be created) or only for new projects to be created or for select projects on a need basis.

    For more information, see:
  • TestLink

    TeamForge 16.7 supports integration with TestLink, a web-based Test Management system that supports all the various components and processes involved in a testing process. For more information, see TeamForge-TestLink integration

  • Nexus

    Fixed the issue in which the '500: Internal Server Error' was shown instead of '401: Unauthorized Error' for any user activities in Nexus after a session timeout for the Nexus versions 2.9, 2.10, and 2.11. Upgrade to CTF-Nexus-Integration-Plugin-2.1.1 for this fix.

Template details in Projects

Projects created using a template will now have the information about the template used for project creation. Go to Project Admin > Project Settings.
In addition, go to My Workspace > View All projects and select the Project Templates tab.


  • TeamForge 16.7 supports:
    • PostgreSQL: 9.3.12
    • Subversion 1.8.16
    • Tomcat 8.0.33
  • TeamForge resource limits (open file count and process count for APP_USER) are now set automatically by the TeamForge installer. The resource limits are written to the /etc/security/limits.d/teamforge-core.conf file.
  • TeamForge 16.7 installer automatically sets the JAVA_HOME during installation or upgrade. Therefore, the JAVA_HOME site options token, if added to your site-options.conf file, must be removed while upgrading to TeamForge 16.7.
  • The DEDICATED_INSTALL token is no longer supported. CollabNet recommends removing this token from the site-options.conf file. However, this token is ignored (has no effect whatsoever) if you continue to have it in your site-options.conf file post upgrade to TeamForge 16.7 or later.
  • The following site-options.conf template files, which usually are installed by the TeamForge installer, are not installed henceforth: site-options-dedicated.conf, site-options-large.conf, site-options-medium.conf and site-options-small.conf.
  • The MODPAGESPEED_ENABLED token is no longer supported.
  • The SITE_DIR and DATA_DIR tokens are no longer supported. Starting from TeamForge 16.7 (and later) SITE_DIR and DATA_DIR are unconditionally set to /opt/collabnet/teamforge/ and /opt/collabnet/teamforge/var respectively during runtime creation.
  • Debug settings can be done via the JAVA_OPTS tokens (such as JBOSS_JAVA_OPTS and ETL_JAVA_OPTS). Hence, the following tokens are no longer supported:
  • SSL certificates are validated by default. Hence, VALIDATE_SSL_CERTS token is no longer supported. If in use, remove this token from the site-options.conf file post upgrade to TeamForge 16.7 and later.
  • For security reasons, the SESSION_TIMEOUT site-options.conf token is validated to be in the range of 1-1440 (minutes) during TeamForge 16.7 installation or upgrade. Create runtime shall fail if this validation fails. Default is 30 (minutes). The maximum timeout duration can be one day (1440 minutes).
  • See Site options change log to know what's new/changed in TeamForge 16.7.
  • A new token, LOGROTATE_ARCHIVE_COUNT, has been added to set the number of most recent logs to be preserved at any give point in time.

Apache customization

You can now include custom Apache configuration, if required. For more information, see Customize your Apache configuration.

End-of-life announcements