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Class ScmAppSoapStub

Specified by:
addExternalSystem in interface IScmAppSoap
sessionId - is the user session id.
adapterType - is be the adapter type created, which is one value of the call "getScmAdapterNames()".
title - is the title of the external system.
description - is the description of the external system.
adapterTypeParameters - is the list of parameters of names and associated values for the given adapter type. The list of the needed parameters and their expected associated data type is retrieved by calling "getScmAdapterParameterNamesWithType(adapterType)".
The GUID of the newly added external system.
com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.InvalidSessionFault - When the specified session id is invalid.
com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.NoSuchObjectFault - If the adapter does not exist internally.
com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.PermissionDeniedFault - When the user has insufficient privileges.
com.collabnet.ce.soap60.fault.SystemFault - When wrong parameters are provided or an unexpected system error occurs.
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