The Project Build Library (PBL) is a place in TeamForge
Lab Managementwhere you can store, share,
search, and download the products of software builds. Each project has its own Project
Build Library.
The PBL also offers a auditing and reporting capabilities so that you can see who is
uploading to and downloading from your projects.
The PBL is not a version control tool. Unlike Subversion, the PBL is optimized for
storing large binary files, and files in the PBL may be permanently deleted. This
makes it ideal for storing the results of software builds, especially the many daily
builds and other intermediate work products that precede a final release.
People can download from the PBL with any HTTPS-capable web client. Uploading files to
the PBL can be done with a cross-platform command-line client distributed along with
Lab Management. The PBL client can be
downloaded from CollabNet, and is also distributed by default on each TeamForge
Lab Management node.
- Files can be downloaded with any SSL-capable web browser using basic
authentication (username and password) over an SSL-encrypted browser session.
- Within each project's Build Library, files can be designated either as Public or
Private. This designation governs who can download files from the project's
Build Library.
- To download from the Public portion of a project's build library, you
must be a member of the TeamForge site.
- To download from the Private portion of a project's build library, you
must be a member of the project.
- The PBL stores some metadata about each file, such as its md5 checksum, a
user-specified description, who uploaded the file and when, and the number of
times that file has been downloaded.
- Uploading is done via a special cross-platform, command-line, open-source client.
A special client is needed to interface with the TeamForge
Lab Management server and provide
all the needed metadata to the PBL. We also publish the specs of the API, if
users want to develop their own clients.
- Uploading files, and other write operations that change files (e.g., file move or
remove) or file metadata (e.g., change the description associated with a file)
can be done by any user with "TeamForge
Lab Management - Root Access"
privileges or better in the project.