TeamForge Snippets are customizable HTML text
fragments that can be inserted in predefined locations in CollabNet
TeamForge pages.
Snippets can be added in the following locations:
- Below the page title on all CollabNet
TeamForge templates.
- Above the footer on all CollabNet
TeamForge templates.
Snippets get checked into the templates/html/ directory in the
branding repository.
- The file name for the header looks like this:
- The file name for the footer looks like this:
For example, to put your own custom snippet at the top of the Tracker ViewArtifact page,
name the file tracker-viewArtifact-Top.html.
Note: The file names are
Tip: You can find the application name and the action name in the URL of the page you
are customizing. For example, consider a URL such as http://sf5latest/sf/sfmain/do/createProject. Here, the application name is 'sfmain"
(the main CollabNet
TeamForge application) and the action name is
'createProject." If this page had a custom snippet near the header, the file containing the
custom snippet would be templates/html/sfmain-createProject-Top.html.