Questions about performing specific tasks in TeamForge.
Can I associate objects of different projects?
Yes, you can associate an object (for example from document to subversion commit) in one project to an object in another project if you have access or are a Site Admin.
What kind of objects can I create reports on?
Reports can report on data from trackers and tasks. Task reports can report on data in a single project or across multiple projects. Tracker reports can report on data in a single tracker or across multiple trackers in a project.
Is it possible to move an artifact from one tracker to another?
Yes. Simply use the cut button to remove the artifact, then paste it to another tracker. The destination tracker need not be in the same project, but if the tracker definitions differ data could be lost.
How do I put a notice to my users on the project home page?
To do this you will need to create a news item within the project. News items are posted and displayed on the project home page. News items are also displayed on the SourceForge home page.
How do I remove a news item?
You can delete any news item that you no longer want displayed on the project home page. Deleting a news item from a project also deletes it from the SourceForge home page.
How do I find the version of my MS Project plugin?
To obtain the plugin version, select SourceForge>Synchronize, and when the login pops up, hoveri the mouse over the SourceForge masthead. A tooltip will pop up with the component version numbers.