Why don't the branding repo changes get rendered into UI?
It may be due to the property 'subversion_branding.repository_base' pointing to /sf-svnroot instead of the /svnroot directory, which is used by the scm-integration of the csfe installation.
Why do search and email server show "Could not connect"?
Typically this means the tomcat container for James and the search service are not running. You can restart this with the commands shown below. You may need to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the location of your JDK.
JBoss crashed with out of memory error, how do I prevent this?
This can indicate that the JVM heap size is set too small. You can adjust this by changing the -Xms and -Xmx settings of the JBOSS_JAVA_OPTS token in site-options.conf and rebuilding runtime.
Why am I getting "Could not connect" status for email and search server?
On the System Tools page when you see "Could not connect status for search and email servers", you must stop and start your phoenix.sh and you may need to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the location of your jdk.
Why is my email taking a long time to arrive?
SFEE uses the James MTA to send and parse all email coming to and from the system. In this case, the best course of action is to look in the james mailet logfile.
Why do we have errors creating or altering repositories and adding or removing users?
The SourceForge SCM Integration server runs an instance of Tomcat and then launches SourceForge inside the Tomcat container. If you are experiencing issues creating or altering repositories or adding and removing users from repository access, and the other SourceForge integration logs are not providing any clues, you may wish to review the Tomcat log at: /usr/local/sourceforge/tomcat/jakarta-tomcat-<version>/logs/catalina.out.
Why do I get a server status error when I perform a search?
Occasionally, an exceedingly large or complex document causes the search indexing service to abort. This is typically when all searches in SourceForge return an exid to the user.
Why can't SourceForge send my outbound mail?
If you are unable to send email directly due to firewall restrictions, or if mail is being rejected by the application server's IP address, configure SourceForge to send outgoing messages through a gateway mail server.