How do projects work in Lab Management? Lab Management projects must be TeamForge or CEE projects but TeamForge or CEE projects are not automatically added to Lab Management. Until the CEE or TeamForge project is specifically added to Lab Management by a Domain Administrator inside of Lab Management, the project does not exist.
What is the performance impact of Lab Management on TeamForge? Lab Management uses a limited number of Web Services API calls into TeamForge to retrieve needed information. This places a negligible load on the server and does not impact the performance of your TeamForge Server in any noticeable way.
What is the performance impact of Lab Management on CEE? Lab Management uses a very lightweight interface into CEE that generates a negligible performance impact. CUBiT testing has demonstrated that there has never been a load generated in CUBiT that noticeably impacted response time to any part of CEE.
Is Lab Management compatible with TeamForge or CEE upgrades?
Yes. Lab Management uses standard interfaces to communicate with TeamForge or CEE -- they do not change across upgrades, so TeamForge or CEE can be upgraded independent of Lab Management. In addition, during a TeamForge or CEE upgrade, the Lab Management nodes are still accessible as normal and fully operational, although the Lab Management Web Console does not allow you to authenticate.