Forward a port
To make a service accessible to users, sometimes you may need to forward a port on a Lab Management box to an external-facing port.
Stop port forwarding
When you don't want to forward a port, you can delete or suspend forwarding for that port.
Set up host URL mapping
If you have real users accessing services on a box you have set up virtually with TeamForgeLab Management, consider giving them a human-friendly URL to go to. You can do this by mapping an arbitrary URL to the host's real URL.
Stop URL mapping
When you don't need a URL mapped, it's a good idea to remove the mapping.
Delete a project
To conserve resources on your TeamForgeLab Management site, it's a good idea to delete projects that are not in use.
Undelete a project
To bring a project back into your TeamForgeLab Management site, you can undelete the project.
Manage profiles
Like hosts and projects, profiles must be added at the domain level before they can be used by individual projects. Likewise, they can be administratively disabled from use at the domain level.
Administer clouds
As an administrator, you can set up and manage the clouds in your Lab Management site.
Manage snapshots
As an administrator, you can create and manage snapshots for ESXi guest nodes.