Subversion Edge Repository API

Use this API to list and create Subversion Edge repositories.

This GET method is available with Subversion Edge 2.2.0 (and later). The POST method requires Subversion Edge 2.3.0 (or later).
Note: The following examples show request bodies and responses in JSON format, but XML is equally valid.


HTTP method and URL
GET /csvn/api/1/repository?format=json
Authentication / Authorization All Subversion Edge users (ROLE_USER)
Response GET retrieves the list of repositories in the Subversion Edge instance, including ID, name, status, and access URLs for each.



HTTP method and URL
POST /csvn/api/1/repository?format=json


applyStandardLayout (boolean)
When POSTing a new repository, use this parameter for a standard "trunk/tags/branches" layout.
applyTemplateId (integer)
When POSTing a new repository, use this parameter to apply a repository template.
Authentication / Authorization Repository administrators (ROLE_ADMIN_REPO) and the super user (ROLE_ADMIN)