Dump a repository

In addition to scheduled backups, Subversion Edge lets you perform an ad hoc dump of your repository. With this option, you can choose a range of revisions or use deltas for the dump, select a format for the dump file, and filter the dump results.

Note: To be able to dump a repository, you need the ROLE_ADMIN or ROLE_ADMIN_REPO role.
  1. Select Repositories in the main navigation bar.
  2. In the list of repositories, select the checkbox for the one you want to back up and click Dump. The Create Repository Dump File screen appears.
    Dump repository option
  3. Select the options for the dump.
    You can
    • Specify a single revision
    • Enter a range of revisions, using a colon -- for example, LOWER:UPPER
    • Leave the field blank to include all revisions
    The first revision in the dump will contain only the files and directories modified in that revision. This is useful when you want to create a smaller dump file to load into another repository that already contains the data in the original repository.
    Use deltas
    The data is represented as a delta to previous revisions. While the advantage of this option is reduced file size, the dump files are more CPU-intensive to create and cannot be easily compressed or filtered.
    By default, the dump result is compressed and stored as a .zip file.
    Apply filter
    This path-based filter limits the contents that are dumped.
    • Include: Paths matching the prefixes specified here are included in the dump file.
    • Exclude: Paths matching the prefixes specified here are not included in the dump file.
    • Drop empty revisions: If there are no changes to the repository as a result of filtering, those empty revisions are dropped from the dump file.
    • Renumber revisions: The revisions that remain after filtering are renumbered -- gaps which may result from using the Drop empty revisions option are eliminated.
    • Preserve revprops: Existing revision properties are preserved. If this option is not selected, an empty revision's properties will be removed, except for the date and log message.
    • Skip missing merge sources: Merge sources for paths removed by filtering are skipped.
  4. Click Dump.
You will see a message that the dump process is running. When it completes, the dump file will be available in the location specified in Administration > Server Settings > General > Repository Dump File Directory. The default location is data/dumps in the directory where you installed Subversion Edge.
You'll see the dump files in the Backup Files tab. Here's an example:
Show repository - dump files tab