Create a Subversion Edge user account

To participate in a Subversion Edge site, team members must have a user account in the site. Root administrators and user administrators on the site can create these user accounts.

  1. Select Users in the main navigation bar.
  2. In the Users page, click Create.
  3. On the Create User page, provide the user's full name, description, login name, password and email address.
    • You must enter a unique Login Name. You can include alphanumerics and special characters other than )(\\|\':\`&\"$,<>
    • Full Name and Password are required as well.
    • Passwords are stored using the Apache htpasswd tool. Once added, users can login to the server to change their own password and information.
  4. Enter the email address and provide a description.
  5. To delegate responsibilities to the team member, assign an appropriate role.

    Here's a list of roles and actions permitted by each role.

    Role Permissions
    ROLE_ADMIN A root administrator has all permissions for the site. When you install CollabNet Subversion, the site has only this user.
    ROLE_ADMIN_REPO Repository administrators have permissions to
    • Create a repository
    • Connect an existing repository
    • Edit the Subversion authorization rules to give users access to a whole repository or any path within the repository
    ROLE_ADMIN_SYSTEM System administrators have permissions to manage the Subversion Apache server from the console. They can
    • Update server configuration options
    • Start and stop the server
    • Monitor logs
    ROLE_ADMIN_USER A user administrator, for example a team lead, has permissions to
    • Add (and remove) users
    • Activate user accounts
    • Update user profiles and passwords for all user accounts
    ROLE_ADMIN_HOOKS Hook script administrators can create, edit, rename, copy, download or delete repository hook script files.
    ROLE_USER This is the basic role required for an active user in the CollabNet Subversion site. However, even without this role, users can perform repository checkout and commit operations. Users with this role can edit their own password and profile information.
    Note: You cannot grant another user permissions you don't have yourself.
  6. Click Create.
The user is enrolled with the account and role you configured.