What are the CCF perspective and views?

The Eclipse plugin for the connector user-interface provides a CCF perspective and these views: CCF Explorer, Hospital, Identity Mapping and Identity Mapping Consistency Check.

CCF Explorer

This view shows the connector landscapes you added, and the project mappings and logs within each landscape.


This view shows the hospital table where artifacts that failed to synchronize get quarantined. Each hospital entry contains details about the related exception, such as the component that caused it, the error code, the timestamp, and the stack trace. You can fix, replay, reopen or delete failed artifacts.

Identity Mapping

This view displays the identity mapping table entries that show how the source and target artifacts are mapped. From here, you can edit and delete mappings as well.

Identity Mapping Consistency Check

This view shows you inconsistencies in the source and target artifact mappings, if any, and allows you to edit and fix them.