How are artifacts and defects synchronized?

Quality Center defects are synchronized with CollabNet tracker artifacts when you add or modify them in either system.

Note: You can use either Project Tracker or TeamForge tracker as your CollabNet tracking tool.
Here's what happens when you add a new CollabNet tracker artifact: When you create a new defect in Quality Center, a CollabNet tracker artifact is similarly added. In Project Tracker, the artifact contains a field called "Defect ID" corresponding to the Quality Center defect's ID. In TeamForge tracker, the field is called "QC-Id".

When you modify an artifact or defect in one system, the fields that you've mapped get updated in the other system.

Here's an example of a Quality Center defect and the corresponding Project Tracker artifact:

A new Quality Center defect

Quality Center defect

Corresponding Project Tracker artifact

Corresponding Project Tracker artifact