Map fields using an editor for the Quality Center - TeamForge tracker connector

You can define data transformation rules non-graphically, using Eclipse's default XML editor.

  1. In theCCF Explorer, right-click a project mapping and select Edit field mappings.
  2. In the Edit Field Mappings dialog, select Edit using default editor.
  3. Click Finish. Based on the source and target systems in your project mapping, an XSLT file is automatically created and opens up in the default XML editor.
  4. Customize your mappings in the XSLT file based on the samples provided.
    • The XSLT files from Quality Center to Teamforge Tracker are in the <CF_HOME>\production\QCTF\QC2TF\xslt\ folder and for the TeamForge Tracker-to-Quality Center direction, in the <CCF_HOME>\production\QCTF\TF2QC\xslt\ folder.
    Here's an example of how the Priority field is mapped in the TeamForge-to-Quality Center XSLT mapping file.
                            <xsl:template match="ccf:field[@fieldName="priority"]">
                            <xsl:variable name="priorityValue" as="xs:string" select="."/>
                            <xsl:copy-of select="@*"/>
                            <xsl:attribute name="fieldName">BG_PRIORITY</xsl:attribute>
                            <xsl:if test="$priorityValue = '5'">
                            <xsl:if test="$priorityValue = '4'">
                            <xsl:if test="$priorityValue = '3'">
                            <xsl:if test="$priorityValue = '2'">
                            <xsl:text>4-Very High</xsl:text>
                            <xsl:if test="$priorityValue = '1'">
Tip: If you're planning to set up multiple mappings between TeamForge planning folders and Quality Center requirement types, see the section "Requirement related questions" in the FAQ wiki.