To be able to start synchronizing artifacts, start the services for your connector scenario.
Each example scenario provided with your CCF installation contains the following files:
- Install<CCFScenarioName>Service.bat - installs the service
- Uninstall<CCFScenarioName>Service.bat - uninstalls the service
- <CCFScenarioName>.bat -starts the scenario with the specified configuration, but does not install it as a service
- <CCFScenarioName>.conf - configures the service wrapper and is read by all batch files
To install the service, run the Install<CCFScenarioName>Service.bat script for your connector scenario.
- For the TeamForge Tracker-to-Quality Center direction, run InstallTF2QCService.bat from <CCF_HOME>\production\QCTF\TF2QC. A service called TF2QCService is created.
- For the Quality Center-to-TeamForge Tracker direction, run InstallQC2TFService.bat from <CCF_HOME>\production\QCTF\QC2TF. A service called QC2TFService is created.
For the Project Tracker-Quality Center scenario, run InstallPT2QCService.bat from <CCF_HOME>\production\QCPT\PT2QC to install PT2QCService, and InstallQC2PTService.bat from <CCF_HOME>\production\QCPT\QC2PT to install QC2PTService.
- Start the service.
For the example scenario, run the QC2TF and TF2QC services from the Windows screen.