Configure a proxy server for the Quality Center - Project Tracker connector

To use a proxy server in your connector setup, you need to provide the server details in the config.xml file for the Quality Center - Project Tracker connector, or the .conf files for the Quality Center - TeamForge connector.

For the Quality Center - Project Tracker connector, edit the config.xml file located in the [CCF_HOME]\production\QCPT\QC2PT\config and [CCF_HOME]\production\QCPT\PT2QC\config folders - enter the URL for the proxy server, the port used and type of connection. Here's an example:
  <bean id="CEEConnectionFactory" class="">
  <description>This bean is an implementation of the com.collabnet.ccf.core.eis.connection.ConnectionFactory interface. It is responsible for creating and closing a connection for a given repository.> 
  <property name="proxyUsed" value="true"></property>
  <property name="proxyHost" value=""></property>
  <property name="proxyPort" value="80"> </property>
  <property name="proxyType" value="HTTP"> </property>