What is Changeset Merge?

Changeset Merge is a feature that allows you to merge the Subversion revisions associated with one or more CollabNet tracker artifacts from one location to another.

When you perform a Subversion commit, you can associate it with a CollabNet TeamForge tracker or Project Tracker artifact by referencing the artifact in the commit message. In the context of the Changeset Merge feature, a changeset is the set of all of the Subversion revisions associated with the artifact.

Consider a situation where a defect has been fixed, and that fix needs to be backported to a different release of the software. Using the Changeset Merge client, you can specify the location of the target release, and merge to it all changes associated with all artifacts involved in the fix.

In this release of the Desktop, the Changeset Merge option is available on CollabNet TeamForge sites and tracker artifacts, and Project Tracker projects and artifacts.