With integrated support
for Subversion Edge repositories, and TortoiseSVN for
Subversion client support, you have access to
comprehensive Subversion functionality within your Desktop.
Add a Subversion Edge site
CollabNet Subversion Edge provides a powerful management console to install, operate and manage Subversion repositories. In this Desktop, you can add the URL to your Subversion Edge server and work with those repositories.
Browse a Subversion repository
From the Site Explorer, you can easily browse a project's Subversion repository and view author, revision and other details about project files.
Customize Subversion repository URLs
The Desktop lets you select the repositories you work with frequently, customize the Subversion URLs for individual repositories, and add more than one root URL for a repository.
Merge tracker artifact and task changes
Use the changeset merge option to merge the Subversion revisions associated with a CollabNet tracker artifact or task from one location to another.