Mapping CollabNet Enterprise Edition's Host or Domain Configure settings to CollabNet TeamForge 8.2

The mapping details are given in respective tables.

Note about SAS-70

To meet SAS-70 certification requirement,the following criteria need to be met:

While migrating the CEE password settings to CTF, if the CEE setting is more liberal than the SAS-70 requirement, the SAS-70 minimum requirement setting is chosen; otherwise the CEE setting is taken.

Here's how the CTF site's password settings are selected:

This table shows the mapping of CEE's Host or Domain Configure settings to CTF 8.2's "runtime-options.conf" file.

CEE's Host or Domain Configure Settings CTF 8.2 Tokens Comments
Size of user's password history PASSWORD_HISTORY_AGE The CEE value is transferred to CTF 8.2.
Authentication failures before lockout LOGIN_ATTEMPT_LOCK When the CEE value is "0", the CTF 8.2 value is set to "5", else the same CEE value is transferred.
Minimum password length MINIMUM_PASSWORD_LENGTH The CEE value is transferred to CTF 8.2.
Allow user join DISABLE_USER_SELF_CREATION When the CEE value is "true", the CTF 8.2 value is set to "false"; else it is set to "true".
Project path separator string PROJECT_PATH_SEPARATOR The CTF 8.2 value is hard coded to ">".
Suppress gathering of full name and organization INCLUDE_ORGANIZATION_USER_FIELD When the CEE value is "true", the CTF 8.2 value is set to "false"; else it is set to "true".
Users can edit own organizations ORGANIZATION_EDITABLE The CEE value is transferred to CTF 8.2.
Number of required character classes PASSWORD_REQUIRES_MIXED_CASE When the CEE value is "<=1" or "2", the CTF 8.2 value is set to "false"; else it is set to "true".
Number of required character classes PASSWORD_REQUIRES_NON_ALPHANUM When the CEE value is "<=1" or "2" or "3", the CTF 8.2 value is set to "false"; else it is set to "true".
Number of required character classes PASSWORD_REQUIRES_NUMBER When the CEE value is "<=1", the CTF 8.2 value is set to "false"; else it is set to "true".
Reject passwords based on dictionary words ALLOW_PASSWORD_DICTIONARY_WORD When the CEE value is "true", the CTF 8.2 value is set to "false"; else it is set to "true".
Password ticket expiration period for non-admins (days) ACTIVATION_CODE_TIMEOUT When the CEE value is "<=0", then set the CTF 8.2 value as 336. CEE value is multiplied by 24 (converting days to hours); else the same CEE value is transferred.
Password ticket expiration period for non-admins (days) INITIAL_PASSWORD_CHANGE_ACTIVATION_CODE_TIMEOUT When the CEE value is "<=0", then set the CTF 8.2 value as 336. CEE value is multiplied by 24 (converting days to hours); else the same CEE value is transferred.
Allow guest access/Allow anonymous access to domain home ALLOW_ANONYMOUS_ACCESS_TO_DOMAIN_HOME When either of the CEE values is "true", the CTF 8.2 value is set to "true"; else it is set to "false".

This table shows the mapping of CEE's Host or Domain Configure settings to CTF 8.2's "/etc/ctf-pass.conf" file:

CEE's Host or Domain Configure Settings CTF 8.2 Properties Comments
Password expiration period for non-admins (days) history.age The CEE value is transferred to CTF 8.2.
Users with non-expiring password special.users Same CEE value must be added to the existing users of CTF 8.2.
Password expiry warning period (days) history.warn The CEE value is transferred to CTF 8.2.