
Uninstall TeamForge Orchestrate by removing the various components

Follow the manual steps below to disassociate TeamForge Orchestrate from TeamForge, and then ultimately uninstall the components.
Important: It is important that each step be followed in sequential order. The Orchestrate App server must remain up until the IAF application is removed.

Remove Orchestrate adapters from TeamForge

  1. In TeamForge, as a site admin user navigate to Admin > System Tools > Customizations
  2. Select the orchestrate-commit-adapter-[version].jar and (if installed) orchestrate-tracker-adapter-[version].jar check boxes
  3. Click Delete

Delete the Orchestrate IAF application TeamForge

  1. In TeamForge, as a site admin user navigate to Admin > Integrated Apps
  2. Select Orchestrate application
  3. Click Delete

Delete the Orchestrate site-wide linked app in TeamForge

  1. In TeamForge, as a site admin user navigate to Admin > Integrations > Site-wide Linked Applications
  2. Select Orchestrate application
  3. Click Delete

Remove TeamForge Orchestrate server side components

  1. It is now safe to shutdown Orchestrate services

    Shutdown each service in the System Administration

  2. Remove components from the App server

    yum remove collabnet-orchestrate-core collabnet-redis

    This command will leave your TeamForge Orchestrate configuration and log files intact. If you wish to remove those as well, run the following command:

    rm -rf /opt/collabnet/orchestrate /var/log/orchestrate /var/log/collabnet-*

  3. Remove components from the DB server

    yum remove collabnet-mongodb

    This command will leave your database configuration and log files intact. If you wish to remove those as well, run the following command:

    rm -rf /opt/collabnet/mongodb /var/log/collabnet-mongodb

  4. Remove components from the MQ server

    yum remove collabnet-erlang collabnet-rabbitmq

    This command will leave your message queue configuration and log files intact. If you wish to remove those as well, run the following command:

    rm -rf /opt/collabnet/rabbitmq /var/log/collabnet-rabbitmq

Remove adapters

  1. Uninstall adapters from integrated services

    For most adapters, reverse installation steps to remove adapters. For plug-in based adapters, uninstall using the service's administrative user interface.