As a task administrator, you can control how users move tasks along under various conditions.
Alert project members about overdue tasks
If a task is not completed by its proposed end date, you may want to send an automatic reminder to the task's owner, its administrator, or other project members.
Require approval for changing tasks
During times when changes to tasks carry a high risk, task administrators can prevent users' changes from taking effect until the administrator approves them.
Handle a change request
When change approval is in force, changes made by project members to selected task fields must be approved or rejected by a task administrator.
Indicate task status with colors
The status of each task is represented by a color. The status color of a task folder is an accumulation of the status colors of the tasks in the folder.
Measure task workloads
For help in planning and allocating resources, look at the project's task workloads.
Set the default task calendar
For each task, you can specify whether work is tracked son a five-day or a seven-day calendar.