You can store your Microsoft Office documents in CollabNet
TeamForge even if the CollabNet
TeamForge web interface is not open.
TeamForge works with Microsoft
Word, Excel, Project, and PowerPoint.
Open your Microsoft application.
Open the document you want to save.
From the File menu, choose Save to
In the Log in window, enter the following information:
- Your TeamForge
user name and password.
- The URL of your organization's TeamForge
Note: Do not enter the http:// or
https:// before the server name.
Click Log In.
The Selection Dialog window displays all of the projects
and document folders in which you have permission to create
Select the document folder in which you want to save the document.
Note: Do not click on an existing document. This will prompt you to
update that document.
In the
Document Properties window, clear Use
Filename, then enter a name in the
Document Name field.
By default, the file name is used as the document name.
Write a description for the document.
Choose whether the document is in draft or final status.
To lock the document and prevent others from editing it, select
Lock Document.
Write a version comment, if appropriate.
Click OK.
The document is now saved in
TeamForge. You can see the
document by going to the
TeamForge document folder that
you selected.
Note: After you save a document to CollabNet
TeamForge, future saves
will also save in CollabNet
TeamForge. If you want to
save a document to a local drive, choose Save As from
your File menu.