Reference information about your CollabNetTeamForge site
Here is some detailed information to help you make the most of TeamForge.
Wiki syntax
You can use special wiki text markup to do a wide variety of cool and useful things on TeamForge wiki pages.
My Page
Your My Page is a personal workspace where you can manage your personal information, your preferences, and your assigned activities.
The Document Details page
Each document in TeamForge has a Document Details page where you can find information about the document.
Task fields synchronized with Microsoft Project
Microsoft Project allows users to track data using a large number of fields. Many of these fields map directly to fields used by TeamForge .
Filters for automatically sorting emails from your TeamForge site
X-headers are special instructions that that are added to many email messages. Messages that come from your TeamForge site have X-headers describing the purpose of the email, the event that triggered it, and lots of other information.