
The pebble-app.xml file, also known as the Pebble application configuration file, contains the text that the Pebble application displays in the TeamForge user interface.

This is an example of a default (unedited) pebble-app.xml file. To create your own integrated application config file, copy this one into a new file and replace the values with the values appropriate for the application you are integrating.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE integrated-application 
  PUBLIC "-//CollabNet, Inc.//DTD Integrated Application Descriptor 1.0//EN"
    <name>Pebble Blog</name>
        <permission dapMappedTo="View">Blog Reader</permission>
        <permission>Blog Contributer</permission>
        <permission>Blog Publisher</permission>
        <permission>Blog Owner</permission>
    <!-- Page components for Integrated apps is not implemented for Alpha -->
        <!-- Pebble Configuration Parameters -->
            <defaultvalue>My Blog</defaultvalue>
            <displaytype valuetype="String" maxlength="25">TEXT</displaytype>
            <defaultvalue>My Awesome Blog</defaultvalue>
            <displaytype valuetype="String" maxlength="40">TEXT</displaytype>
            <displaytype valuetype="String">CHECKBOX</displaytype>
            <displaytype valuetype="String">SELECT</displaytype>
            <option name="3">l10n.three.value</option>
            <option name="5">l10n.five.value</option>
            <option name="7"></option>
            <option name="9">l10n.nine.value</option>
        <bundle locale="en">
            <key name="l10n.application.description">Pebble Blog App</key>
            <key name="l10n.pce.description">Display Blog Title for Given Date.</key>
            <key name="l10n.pce.title">Enter Blog Date (in yyyy-mm-dd)</key>
            <key name="l10n.blogname.title">Blog Name</key>
            <key name="l10n.blogname.description">Please provide a name for the Blog. This appears on all blog pages</key>
            <key name="l10n.blogdescription.title">Blog Description</key>
            <key name="l10n.blogdescription.description">Please provide a description for the Blog. This appears below blog name on all pages</key>
            <key name="l10n.richtexteditor.title">Rich Text Editor</key>
            <key name="l10n.richtexteditor.description">Enable Rich Text Editor for comments and Blog entries?</key>
            <key name="l10n.noofrecentblogentries.title">Recent Blog Entries</key>
            <key name="l10n.noofrecentblogentries.description">How many recent blog entries do you want to see in the home page?</key>
            <key name="l10n.three.value">3</key>
            <key name="l10n.five.value">5</key>
            <key name="">7</key>
            <key name="l10n.nine.value">9</key>