A message to a moderated discussion forum is held until a moderator acts on it.
(Except if you are a trusted user. These messages do
require moderation.)
- The moderators of the discussion receive an email notification that you have posted
a message. The email notification contains the URL path to moderate the post.
- A moderator can either approve or reject your message.
- If the moderator accepts the message, the message status changes to "Accepted" and
the message is posted to all the users monitoring the forum.
- If the moderator accepts the message and trusts the sender, the message status
changes to "Approved and Trusted" and the message is posted to all the users
monitoring the forum. All subsequent posts from you are automatically approved.
- If the moderator rejects the message, he/she can include his/her comments or reasons
in the moderation rejection email, and the message is removed from the archive.
- In the All Topics tab, an hourglass icon indicates which topics
contain posts that await approval.