What kind of clients can I call TeamForge SOAP services from?

Your application can call CollabNet TeamForge services from Java, .NET, Perl or WSDL clients.


A set of Java wrapper classes for CollabNet TeamForge SOAP services is included in the SDK download for the convenience of Java programmers.

These libraries are necessary for Java‐based SOAP clients to compile and run correctly. All libraries listed here must be included within the CLASSPATH. All libraries are available in the CollabNet TeamForge SDK.


For developers programming using Microsoft®.NET, the CollabNet TeamForge SDK provides a 'convenience" library. The convenience library consists of a façade for performing CollabNet TeamForge back‐end operations from the.NET framework layer.

This façade allows developers to use common.NET constructs when programming CollabNet TeamForge, which otherwise would need to be done manually when interacting directly with the SOAP layer.

All of the.NET SDK material is available at ctf.open.collab.net.


For Perl programmers, an SDK is available at ctf.open.collab.net.


For programming in other languages, such as Python, several WSDL tools are available to assist in generating local proxy objects.

WSDL is an XML document used to describe and locate web services, and provides a simple interface to SOAP. A WSDL file for a service fully describes the service APIs and data structures, and is used by various tools to automatically generate convenient language specific wrapper classes or functions.

Axis and Apache SOAP provide tools to generate stubs if no WSDL tool is available. Programmers must read the WSDL definitions and manually construct all calls.

You can access the WSDL associated with any service using the following URL: http://<sourceforge‐server>/ce‐soap50/services/<service‐name>?wsdl


Client tool authentication

All client tools rely on the TeamForge SOAP API for authentication, and therefore use whatever authentication method TeamForge is using.

The SOAP API is accessed via the HTTP protocol, the same one used for the Web UI. To see this difference using a web browser, go to the following URL: https://ctf.open.collab.net/ce-soap60/servlet/AxisServlet

Because the SOAP protocol is simply a text XML document, all values are sent in clear text. For that reason it is very important that TeamForge be SSL-enabled and protected by server-side SSL certificates. This will ensure that any usernames or passwords sent from a client tool will be encrypted.