Apply a patch on VMware Player or VMware ESXi

Use these instructions to patch your TeamForge 8.1 site with TeamForge 8.1 Patch 1.

Important: You must log in as a root user to apply this patch.
  1. Remove hot fixes, if any. Example:
    • cd /opt/collabnet/teamforge/add-ons/00common_hotfixes
    • ./install --uninstall
    • rpm -e 00common_hotfixes
  2. Uninstall TeamForge CLI-add on.
    • cd /opt/collabnet/teamforge/add-ons/teamforge_cli_server
    • ./install --uninstall
    • yum erase teamforge_cli_server
  3. Stop TeamForge
    • /etc/init.d/collabnet stop all
    Note: In case of distributed setup, run the above command in the respective servers.
  4. Update the base URL for the CollabNet TeamForge repository.
    1. Open the repository: vi /etc/yum.repos.d/collabnet-
    2. Change the base URL from baseurl=$releasever/$basearch to baseurl=$releasever/$basearch.
    3. Save and close the repository.
  5. Install the TeamForge patch.
    • yum clean all
    1. To install TeamForge application packages, run the following command:
      • yum install teamforge collabnet-binary
    2. To install GIT application packages, run the following command:
      • yum install teamforge-git

      The yum command installs all the TeamForge patches available in the CollabNet yum repository for TeamForge 8.1.

      Note: When you upgrade, the site-options.conf file is automatically backed up into /opt/collabnet/teamforge-installer/ directory.

      You can upgrade TeamForge based on the services enabled in the respective servers in case of distributed setup. For example, to install the TeamForge patches run the command yum install teamforge-scm in case of "SCM on a separate server".

  6. Recreate the runtime environment.
    • cd /opt/collabnet/teamforge-installer/
    • ./ -r -I -V
  7. Start TeamForge.
    • /etc/init.d/collabnet start all
  8. Run the following script.
    • /opt/collabnet/teamforge/runtime/scripts/
    Note: If you are configuring SSL for the site, after starting all collabnet services, executeiptables -F before accessing the site from the UI.
To verify if the patch is working: