Set default tracker columns

Choose what information is visible by default to users of your project when they open a tracker or planning folder.

Users can also set their own personal default column configurations, which override the project defaults.
  1. Click TRACKERS in the project navigation bar.
  2. Select a tracker, planning folder or team and click COLUMNS > Configure.
    • If you've already saved a column configuration, click it and skip the rest of these steps.
    • To go back to the default column configuration, click System (default) and skip the rest of these steps.
    • To set up a new configuration, click Configure.
  3. Choose your columns.
    1. Move the columns you want from Available Columns to Selected Columns. Artifact ID : Title, Priority and Status are required columns.
      Note: Selecting more columns can increase the time required to load the listing page.
    2. Remove any columns you don't need from Selected Columns.
    3. Use the move up and move down arrows to change the display order of the columns.
  4. Apply your choices to your view of the tracker.
    • To use this arrangement this time only, click Apply. The next time you log in, you'll start with the default view again.
    • To save your column layout for repeated use, click Apply and Save, then give your arrangement a name. The next time you log in, you'll see the column arrangement you just selected. (If you've sorted the records in your view, that sort order is saved too.)
      Tip: If you are editing a column configuration that already exists, you can rename it by saving it under a new name.
  5. To make the same set of columns appear every time you come to this tracker, planning folder or team, click COLUMNS > Save and from Save Column Configuration page, select Make this my default view.
  6. To make the same set of columns appear for every user the first time they see any tracker, planning folder or team in the project, click COLUMNS > Save and from Save Column Configuration page, select Make this the default view for all project members.
The project default configuration you set is now the default configuration for all project members, unless they have created their own personal default column configuration.