Who can post to discussions by email?

To help reduce the risk of spam or other mischief, you may need to limit the users who can post to your project's discussion forums by email.

To leverage the advantages of community collaboration, you should keep your forums as open as you can. However, some projects require tighter control over who can participate in discussions. TeamForge enables you to balance openness against privacy along a spectrum of choices.
  1. Click PROJECT ADMIN in the project navigation bar.
  2. Click Discussion Settings.
  3. Set the value of EMAIL POSTING to one of these choices (listed from most restrictive to least restrictive).
    This option... has this effect:
    Allow only forum admins Only users with the "discussion admin" permission can post by email.
    Users with roles & permissions Only registered users with the "topic post" permission can post by email. This is the default. (For discussions marked as private, this is the least restrictive setting possible.)
    All logged in users All users who are registered on the site can post by email.
    Allow known email addresses only Users can post by email only if they have explicitly been added to the monitoring list. (This can include people who are not registered site users.)
    All site users and guests Anyone can post by email.
If you select a value that's more liberal than the value your site administrator has set for the site as a whole, the site administrator's setting rules. For example, suppose the site administrator has provided that only users with the appropriate role ("Users with roles & permissions") can post by email. If your project requires extra security, you can choose to accept email only from forum administrators. However, you cannot accept email posts from a less restrictive category of users, such as "All logged in users."