Export planning folder artifacts

To use the contents of artifacts from a planning folder in other applications, export them to a .csv, .xml, or tab-delimited file.

For example, sometimes it can be useful to look at the status of a project by sharing a spreadsheet using Microsoft Excel or Google Spreadsheets.
  1. Click TRACKERS in the project navigation bar.
  2. On the List Trackers, Planning Folders and Teams page, click PLANNING FOLDER.
  3. On the Summary page, click the desired planning folder.
  4. From the List artifacts page, click SORT or RANK as required.
    Note: When you export artifacts in the rank mode, the parent artifacts are listed along with the children as ranked in the List Artifact page.
  5. Click Export.
  6. In the Export Data window, select an export format that you can import into the other application. For example, to use the data in a spreadsheet program, select CSV.
  7. Move the fields you are interested in from the AVAILABLE COLUMNS list to the SELECTED COLUMNS list, then click Export to complete the process.