Give a role to project group members

A role can be assigned to many project group users at once.

While the user-role matrix provides a convenient way to add project group members to a role, it can become unwieldy if the project has a large number of users or roles. When that is the case, try assigning roles to multiple project group users at one time.
  1. Click Admin in the site navigation bar.
  2. On the site administration navigation bar, click Project Groups.

    The existing project groups are listed here.

  3. Click your project group. The Project Group Details page appears.
  4. From the left navigation pane, click the Permissions link to specify user roles applicable to the project group.
  5. On the Roles tab, click the Global Project Roles or Roles Created For a Project option of View, to display existing global roles or roles created just for this project.
  6. Click the name of the role that you want to assign to project group members.
  7. On the Edit Role page, click the Assigned Users tab. The Assigned Users page shows all users who currently have the role.
  8. Click Add.
  9. In the Find a User window, select the project group members you want to add, and move them from the Found Users list to the Selected Users list.
    • Click Add to move selected users.
    • Click Add All to move all users.
    Note: You can search by full or partial user name or full name to find the desired project group members.
  10. Click OK.
The project group members are now assigned the role.